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        According to figures from the En-
      vironmental Protection Department
      of Hong Kong, about 0.125 million
      tons of textile garbage were dumped
      into landfills in 2018. On average,
      about 343 tons of textile waste were
      produced per day.
        To combat textile waste, Redress,
      an environmental NGO in Hong
      Kong, makes efforts to change the
      public perception of fashion and re-
      duce textile waste.
        Redress, founded in 2007, has
      held various campaigns to promote
      sustainable fashion through recy-              Redress Design Award 2019 (Photo courtesy of Redress)
      cling and upcycling. Redress encour-
      ages  the  public  to  adopt  a  circular
      model by collecting, sorting, and re-  looking for sustainable models to  es but also push other practitioners
      using or upcycling secondhand gar-  address environmental concerns.  in the industry to change,” Liu adds.
      ments.                             H&M introduced an environmen-         Liu thinks  changing  consump-
        The NGO also holds the                  tally conscious label, “Con-  tion behavior is the key to promote
      Redress  Design  Award eve-                 scious” in 2019, which  sustainable fashion. She points out
      ry year to spread the mes-                    means their products  that consumers lack awareness of
      sage of sustainable fashion                   “must contain at least  the impact of over-consumption.
      with designers of various                     50 per cent sustainable  “Many consumers don’t realise that
      backgrounds. “We work to                      materials, such as or-   they are buying one of the world’s
      change mindsets (of fashion                  ganic cotton  and recy-   biggest polluted goods when they
      consumption) and (related)                  cled  polyester”  according  purchase fast fashion,” she says.
      practices  to  reduce  textile   Kay Liu   to H&M’s official website.    Liu asks consumers to keep three
      waste,  as  well  as  to  create           Zara also has its eco-friend-  “Re’s” in mind to practise sustain-
      systems and partnerships that will         ly collection, “Join Life”,  able fashion trends, which are, to
      bring out the values (of) existing   which uses organic cotton, recycled  Re-think before buying, Re-organise
      waste,” says Kay Liu, circular fash-  wool, and forest-friendly fibre, Lyo-  wardrobes, and Re-create old into
      ion programme director at Redress.  cell as the primary materials.     new.
        Fast-fashion retailers are also     “These changes do not only offer
                                         consumers more sustainable choic-

                                                                                      Edited by Soohyun Kim
                                                                                    Sub-edited by Kayi Tsang

      Zara Join Life Collection explained on website  (Source: Zara Official Website)
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