Page 18 - 170 Varsity ebook
P. 18

16 / Our Community

                                                                                Kuomintang (KMT).

                                                                                  “KMT is a party that is 105
                                                                                years old. It is less likely to make
                                                                                big changes to the system and the
                                                                                political environment. The two
                                                                                parties have political models that
                                                                                they have been following for years.
                                                                                While  it  is  a  relatively  stable  sys-
                                                                                tem, it also means that innovation
                                                                                is rare,” he says.

                                                                                 “If You don’t Care about
                                                                                 Politics, Politics doesn’t
                                                                                      Care about You”

           Li Guan-ting, Taiwan People’s Party’s Youth Organisation member after joining
                                  TTP’s campaign rally.                           University student Lo Yung-

                                            “ I hope the party                  sheng has a different view from
           “Even though I am not an offi-                                       Li and prefers joining a political
        cial member of the political party,        will put my                  party with a long history.
        I can express my opinion to party         opinion into
        members. I hope the party consid-       consideration                     The 22-year-old student joined
        ers my opinion when drafting pol-                                       KMT as a youth league leader in
        icy proposals which are submitted               when                    2022.  He thinks the 105-year-old
        to the government,” Li says.           drafting policy                  party is pragmatic when dealing

                                              proposals which                   with issues such as relations with
           In 2023, he met TPP’s vice-                                          mainland China, the economy,
        president candidate Cynthia Wu       are submitted to                   and the environment.
        Hsin-ying to discuss issues related   the government ”
        to sovereign wealth fund, a state-     Apart from taking part in policy   “KMT’s  pragmatic  approach
        owned investment fund that in-      discussions, Li also runs commu-    can unite the people in Taiwan and
        vests in real and financial assets   nity  services  with  funding  from   really help Taiwan move forward,”
        such as stocks, bonds, and real es-  the party.                         he says.
        tate, at the Legislative Yuan.
                                               “We are not paid. The party dis-   When having discussion with
           “I worry about the sustain-      tributes funds to us so that we pas-  older  party  members,  Kang  says
        ability of sovereign wealth funds.   sionate about, such as taking stray   that he does not necessarily always
        It might be hollowed out, lead-     cats and dogs to be vaccinated,” Li   have to agree with them.
        ing to financial loss for the public.   says.
        Cynthia Wu agreed that there are                                          Among all matters, Lo feels es-
        policies that can be formulated to     Li says there are more oppor-    pecially frustrated about the visit
        prevent such issues by studying     tunities for young people to voice   to the office of Beijing’s envoy to
        experience in other countries,” Li   their views in TPP, which was es-  Hong Kong by KMT’s Han Kuo-
        recalls.                            tablished in 2019, compared with    yu, now the speaker of the island’s
                                            the other two major parties with a   legislature, in 2019.
                                            longer history, namely DPP and-
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