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      Birthday Party as Blessing

      NGO spread love and
      blessing by holding                   “The little boy told me he did  says.
      birthday party for                 not have good food very often
      underpriviledged                   when he was gulping the pasta. I       The NGO nearly collapsed

      children.                          told him to slow down. There were  when Fernandes’ wife was battling
                                         lots at the party. He could take the  with cancer. The service stopped
                                         food away with a lunchbox if he  for a year until 2021, he resurrect-
      By Hanne Chan                      wanted to,” Fernandes adds.         ed the service again in memory of

                                                                             his late wife.
              aving a birthday party        Missing out on an important
              is not a given for every   part of childhood, Fernandes set       “My wife saw it not only as a
     Hchild,  Edward  Fernandez          up the                              birthday party. She tried to give
      has seen many struggle to have a      organisation with his wife  them more hope and something to
      meal on their special days.        Marilou Edora to host birthday  hang on to in the future — you’ll
                                         parties for the needy.              just  never  know,  maybe  a joyous
        “I’ve seen a little boy finishing                                    memory can save one’s life,” Fer-
      a whole plate of spaghetti within     “I came from a poor single-      nandes says.
      two to three seconds,” Edward      parent family in the Philippines.
      Fernandes, who founded Birthday    My  sister  and I  never  celebrated   About 1.65 million people in
      Happiness  Asia  in 1994,  recalls  a   our birthdays, neither my wife, as  Hong Kong– nearly one-quarter
      party hosted one and a half year   our parents couldn’t afford one,” he  of the citizens are living below
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