Page 20 - 170 Varsity ebook
P. 20

18 / Our Community

         Short End of the

         Hockey Stick

        A policy change complicates ethnic minorities, long part of Hong
        Kong's hockey culture, playing for the Hong Kong team.
         By Daniel Koong

                                                                                (Photo courtesy of Oson Lam Ngo-sing)

                espite being qualified to                                       The former head coach of the Hong
                play at the highest level of  “If the Asian Hockey Association  Kong women’s national field hock-
        Dthe domestic league and  changes  the  rule  so  that  foreign-        ey team Arif Ali says the situation
        representing Kowloon Cricket  ers can play for the Hong Kong  was different ten years ago.
        Club’s  A  team  competing  in  the  national team, I would definitely
        women’s premier division, hockey  want to,” the 17-year-old hockey  “There was a policy change in 2013.
        player Ivy Nina Pieter is not eligi- player says.                       The Asian Hockey Federation has
        ble to represent Hong Kong due to                                       advised the HockeyHK that only
        her nationality.                    Pieter also has other concerns  HKSAR passport holders are eligi-
                                            about her nationality.              ble to represent Hong Kong at in-
        “I do want to play for the Hong                                         ternational tournaments,” Ali says.
        Kong team because Hong Kong  “The Netherlands is a part of the                         “
        hockey is so small. So it is fun to  European Union so with my pass-     I do want to play for
        play against different teams, play  port I can go to around 26 coun-
        in a bigger tournament and play  tries I think. The Netherlands         the Hong Kong team
        against  better opponents,”  says  passport is better so I do not want   because Hong Kong
        Pieter, who first started playing  to give it up,” she adds.               hockey is only so
        hockey in 2021.                                                                     small
                                            Under the current policy, players                  ”
        Pieter and her family moved to  are required to produce their HK-
        Hong Kong from the Netherlands  SAR passport as a proof of eligibil-    The Pakistani Hong Kong hockey
        in 2018. She fell in love with hock- ity before they can be considered  player retired from the pitch in
        ey after playing the sport for the  for selection for the Hong Kong  2014. He was born and grew up in
        first time during the pandemic  national field hockey team.             Hong Kong, representing the Hong
        with her mother and sister.                                             Kong national team since 1994.
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