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        “Taiwanese people are heart-
      broken about what happened in
      Hong Kong. I think it is inappro-
      priate for him to do so,” Lo says.

        Han, who was then the mayor
      of Taiwan’s southern city of Kaoh-
      siung, became the first Taiwanese
      mayor to visit the Liaison Office of
      the Central People’s Government
      in Hong Kong, in 2019.

        Han’s actions sparked contro-
      versies.  The visit was interpreted
      by political commentators as a
      “political act that falls under the
      One Country, Two Systems frame-       KMT’s Youth League’s leader Lo Yung-sheng (right) at the KMT campaign rally.
                                            The number of young peo- defiance.
                                         ple aged under 40 joining KMT’s
        Despite his disagreements with   young league has been increasing       Chiang adds that Ko Wen-je, a
      Han’s stance on Hong Kong, Kang    since 2020, from 3676 in 2020 to  presidential candidate for the 2024
      admits Han has merit regarding     6236 in 2022, showing a growth  election, has helped encourage
      stabilizing support from older citi-  rate of around 69 per cent, accord- more young people to participate
      zens and protecting national secu-  ing to KMT Organisational Devel- in politics.
      rity in Taiwan.                    opment Committee’s statistics.
                                                                                “Ko Wen-je has made use of
        Regarding his peers’ cold atti-     Meanwhile, nearly 85 per cent  young people’s  dissent regarding
      tudes towards politics, Lo insists   of TPP’s members are under the  the economy to gain support in the
      on voicing out.                    age of 45, according to TTP’s offi- presidential election. He has also
                                         cial statistics.                    successfully gained support from
        “If you do not care about poli-                                      the young with social media tac-
      tics, you do not care about your      “Young people became very ac- tics,” Chiang says.
      own life. If you do not care about   tive in political participation dur-
      your own life, what you desire will   ing the Sunflower Student Move-     “Most young people are inter-
      be taken away by politics,” he says.    ment in 2014,” Chiang says.    ested in politics now, even those
                                                                             who are too young to experience
      Young People Lining Up to             In 2014, students protested  the Sunflower Movement,” he says.
         Join Political Parties          against  the  passing  of  the  Cross-

                                         Strait Service Trade Agreement by
        Jeremy Chiang Huai-Che, an       the then ruling KMT at the legis-              Edited by Kamun Lai
     associate research fellow of the    lature without a clause-by-clause       Sub-edited by Charlotte Wu
     Foundation for Future Generation    review.  The youngsters  perceived
     points out young people usually     the agreement with the People’s
     are the group that has little inter-  Republic of China would harm
     est in politics in most democratic   Taiwan’s economy. They occupied
     countries.                          the Legislative Yuan as an act of
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