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                                         nese, Nepails, Pakistan and many  in the city 90 years ago.
      As his parents are Pakistani, Ali  others. People may not understand
      has been holding the Pakistani  the importance of hockey to Hong  The Hong Kong men’s national
      passport only. “They don’t require  Kong,” he says.                    hockey team participated in the
      me to have a Hong Kong passport                                        Tokyo Olympics in 1964. It was
                                                                             the first and only time for them to
                                                                             participate in the Olympic games,
                                                                             the website states.

                                                                             According to an interview with
                                                                             Sarinder Dillon by The Olympi-
                                                                             ans in 2017, at that time the Hong
                                                                             Kong team also featured players
                                                                             from diverse ethnic backgrounds,
                                                                             including those from England, In-
                                                                             dia and Pakistan.

                                                                             “Indeed, both men’s and women’s
                                                                             teams have shown a decline in per-
                                                                             formance after the policy change.
                                                                             We have much fewer options. Hav-
                                                                             ing a completely Chinese squad is
                                                                             not a huge problem. The only thing
                                                                             we can do now is to cultivate more
             Ivy Nina Pieter playing in a high-level hockey game (Photo courtesy   young, local, talented players. But
                                of Ivy Nina Pieter)                          the process takes time,” the coach

      at that time as long as I am a per- Hockey was first introduced to     Oson  Lam  Ngo-sing,  is  a lo-
      manent resident,” Ali says.        Hong Kong by British troops sta-
                                         tioned in India. According to their   cal hockey player who joined the
      Ali  says  players  hesitate  to  apply  website, Hockey Hong Kong, Chi-  Hong  Kong  junior  squad eight
      for the HKSAR passport, as that  na (HockeyHK), an association         months ago. He also realises the
                                                                             lack of ethnic minority players in
      will affect their assets held back in  dedicated to the sport, was found-  the current team.
      their home country.                ed in 1933. It is also documented
                                         that there were over 2,500 players
      “They may need to give up their
      household registration from their
      hometown, which means they may
      also need to give up all their assets
      there,” he says.

      “The Hong Kong team always re-
      lies on players from different eth-
      nic backgrounds. So the policy
      change affects Hong Kong more
      than any other teams,” he adds.

      The 44-year-old coach witnessed
      the change in the spectrum of eth-
      nic  disparities.  “There  were  Chi-       Arif Ali playing for the Hong Kong team (Photo courtesy of Arif Ali)
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