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      Designed to be addictive -
      Designed to be addictive -

      stop scrolling!
      stop scrolling!

      “Addictive” online platform interfaces are designed to keep users hooked for
      “Addictive” online platform interfaces are designed to keep users hooked for
      hours and hours
      hours and hours
       y S
      By Suan Yeon
            n Y
              niversity student Chan
              Myae Kyaw spends five
     Uhours a day on average
      watching YouTube shorts.
        “I pick up my phone at 9.30
      p.m. and even before I realise, it is
      already 1.30 a.m. I don't even feel
      like it has been four hours. I just
      sit in the chair and watch YouTube
      shorts and I am often late for class-
      es," the 22-year-old student says.

                                                                    The Social Dilemma
                                                                    The Social Dilemma’s
        “I just can’t stop. I keep scroll-
      ing and scrolling on Youtube       he adds.                            2024 to cut down screen time.
      Shorts endlessly. Screen time ad-
      diction  has  made  me  unable  to    According to a research on the      "I feel sluggish after spending
      focus. Now I can no longer watch   association  of  screen  time  with  too much time on my phone. But
      YouTube videos that lasts for more   brain connectivity conducted by  now  I  realise  when  I  am  actively
      than three minutes, only shorts,”   University of California in 2023,  doing something like working in
      the Year Three student adds        adolescents who spent more than  my lab or working out, my screen
                                         four hours per day on screens had  time decreases," the Year Three
        "You can see the red bar mov-    reduced brain connectivity.         Student says.
      ing so you know the next video is
      coming - so you don't skip it," he    These reductions in connectiv-      Statista, an online platform
      says.                              ity  were  associated  with  poorer  specialising in data gathering and
        The Biomedical Engineering       performance on cognitive tasks  visualisation, points out in a report
      student recalls that he had good   that measure attention, memory,  that in 2023, South Koreans spent
      grades before he got addicted.     and decision-making.                an average of 44.89 hours a month
                                                                             on YouTube's mobile app.
        “I scored straight As in Year       After his GPA drop,  Chan Myae
      One. Now B is my average grade,”   Kyaw started to go to the gym in       Assistant professor Yang Tian of
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