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        Apart from teaching children         “The family is
      art, Wang now also holds parent-
      ing  talks  to  share her  education    a child’s first
      philosophy with parents.              school. Giving

        “I gradually found that parents            children
      are the ones who need my help         encouragement
      most, because their parenting phi-      rather than
      losophy will have a direct impact
      on their children,” Wang says.            oppression
         Her topics in parenting talks   helps build them
      include  children’s  physical  and
      mental health, how to avoid de-         confidence,
      pression, how to communicate              which is an
      properly with children, and how to
      create a good family atmosphere.         element that
                                         inspires them to
        Professor Catherine So Wing-             explore”
      chee of the Department of Educa-
      tional Psychology at the Chinese
      University of Hong Kong says good
      parenting plays a significant role in           Edited by Sean Pan
      cultivating children’s interests.                     Sub-edited by
                                                   Nutcha Hunsanimitkul
        “The family is a child’s first
      school.  Giving children encourage-
      ment  rather  than oppression helps
      build them confidence, which is an el-
      ement that inspires them to explore,”
      So says.

        So says parents should listen to
      their children to better understand
      their interests and potential.

        The expert hopes that parents
      can guide their children to explore
      in a way that is as fun as art edu-
      cation, which can stimulate their
      motivation to find their passion.
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