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        Off-Broadway musical in 2021,       actually, I did not know what it  nese versions of Broadway musi-
        Tick Tick Boom, which is a musi-    was,” she recalls.                  cals.
        cal that premiered in 2001 in New
        York.                                  The teacher introduced two         “At that time, it was difficult
                                            classical musicals  Les  Misérables  to find teaching materials about
           In recent years, Zhu participated   and  Jesus  Christ  Superstar to her  musicals. When I studied musical
        in many original Chinese musicals   and she instantly fell in love with  theatre in Shanghai, I bought pirat-
        such as The Orphan of Zhao(趙氏       this type of art.                   ed discs of British, American, and
        孤兒).                                                                    French productions,” Zhu recalls.

                                                                                  Apart from listening to others’
                                                                                work, Zhu also joined a band as a
                                                                                vocal  singer. She ran for roles  in
                                                                                many Chinese versions of Broad-
                                                                                way and Off-Broadway musicals.

                                                                                  “I share the feelings
                                                                                and inner thoughts of
                                                                                those characters and
                                                                                even know the devel-
                                                                                opment  of  a  whole
                                                                                thing  from  a  single

                                                                                  In 2017, Zhu acted in the Chi-
                                                                                nese version of Murder Ballad, an
                                                                                American rock musical launched
          A group photo of the four main stars of the Chinese version of the Off-Broadway rock mu-  in New York in 2012.
         sical Murder Ballad, with Angelina Zhu Zirong in it. (Photo courtesy of Angelina Zhu Zirong)
                                                                                  “I learnt a lot because I played
           “Artists have little room for in-   “I share the feelings and inner   two characters with completely dif-
        terpretations when performing       thoughts of those characters and    ferent backgrounds and personali-
        adapted versions of foreign mu-     even know the development of a      ties. I enjoy challenging myself to
        sicals, as they want to respect the   whole  thing  from  a single song,”   perform for two roles at the same
        mature original scripts. I prefer   she says.                           time,” she says.
        to do original Chinese musicals
        which give me all the space I want     Pursuing her love for musicals,    To get ready for the two roles,
        to perform the role with my un-     Zhu studied at the Shanghai Con-    Zhu learned from the stories and
        derstanding and interpretations,”   servatory Of Music between 2003     songs to know more about the
        she says.                           and 2008.                           characters and how to interpret the

           Her passion for musicals can        During that period, the musi-      To  cater  to  the  Chinese  audi-
        be traced back to 2003 in a singing   cal industry in China was mainly   ences, she also studies how to
        performance at her high school.     dominated by foreign works such     change some lines in the original
        She sang so well that she won the   as  Les  Miserables  and  The  Lion   script and adapt them to the Chi-
        admiration of a teacher from a mu-  King, according to the China Eco-   nese context.
        sical college.                      nomic Network, the largest eco-
                                            nomic information portal website      “I  discussed adaptations  with
           “She asked me:’ Do you want to   in mainland China. In 2010, many    the director… like how to express
        learn musical performance?’ But     companies began to produce Chi-
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