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        flexibility that is available now for dis-  to be solved immediately. The govern-  been in practice for some years. Co-
        cussions. If an NGO administers the  ment’s role is to improve the situation  operating with tripartite CMCTRs,
        hospital, we can easily make amend-  so that these issues do not resurface  the Hospital Authority has launched
        ments when we feel like something is  at the Chinese med-         i -   the Integrated Chinese-Western Med-
        not working well,” she says.        cine    hospital.                   icine Pilot Programme since 2014.
                                            The   problems                      Eligible patients can receive Chinese
         Contribution of Chinese Medicine   mainly revolve                      medicine treatments at designated
          Centres for training and research  around    re-                      public hospitals. More importantly,
           Despite having less ownership, Sun  sources alloca-                  they serve as testing grounds to incor-
        believes the government is still proac-  tion,” says Sun.               porate Chinese in-patient medicine
        tive in the planning of the hospital.                                   and explore plausible clinical frame-
        She says the government has taken                      Sun Siu-yan      works for the future hospital.
        reference from its previous experi-                                       However, Professor Joseph Lee
        ence in running the public Chinese  Collaboration of Chinese and West-  Kok-long, legislative councillor for
        Medicine Centres for Training and       ern medicine in the hospital    the health services functional con-
        Research (CMCTR).                      Other than ownership, another  stituency, stresses that the new hos-
           Based on the information of Leg-  controversy lies in the adoption of an  pital “should be
        islative Council papers, CMCTR op-  Integrated Chinese-Western Medi-    a purely Chi-
        erate on a tripartite collaboration  cine service model. Western medical  nese medicine
        model, which involves the Hospital  equipment and treatment have always  practitioner-
        Authority, NGOs, and local universi-  been crucial for curing acute cases  operated hos-
        ties. NGOs are responsible for daily  and complex illnesses. Due to existing  pital”. When
        operations of the centres. There is one  legal regulations, Chinese medicine  discussing the
        CMCTR in each of the 18 districts in  practitioners are forbidden to carry  handling of se-
        Hong Kong.                          out Western medical procedures.     vere illnesses, he
           “The government has acknowl-        In fact, the collaboration between  believes acute cases   Lee Kok-long
        edged problems in CMCTRs that need  Chinese and Western medicine has  should not be han-

             Legislative Council Panel on Health Services discussion on the development of Chinese medicine hospital

        Sources: Legislative Council Papers CB(2)1020/13-14(05), CB(2)1616/14-15(01), CB(2)1258/17-18(01), CB(2)13/18-19(01),
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