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                                                                             idols’ birthday celebration. “Actually

                                             When they bad-                  we just provide a place for the fans to
                                                                             take a check-in photo with the deco-
                                           mouth you, it will                ration and distribute some small gifts
                                                                             and cup sleeves. But it influences our
                                           be an extra 80% of                sales a lot,” says Chi-
                                                                             ang. He reveals
                                           the negative effect               the profit has a

                                                                             significant in-
                                                                             crease of 30 per
                                                                             cent to 40 per
                                                                             cent within a
                                         strategy to survive in this nearly satu-  few days after an
                                         rated market. Chiang says: “We em-  event is dedicated  Matthew Chiang
                                         ploy a master to knead tapioca flour  to some popular
                                         behind the show window. Because we  idols.
                                         want to prove our products are freshly   In fact, some foodies also reflect
                                         made without preservative. We have  on their role in influencing the indus-
                                         no intention to make it as an attrac-  try, instead of just focusing on busi-
                                         tion for Facebook postings.”        ness opportunities. Luncinda Leung,
                                            Chiang says he seldom relies on  a social worker, started her Foodsta-
                                         promotion posts by foodies. He has  gram – “foodictionaryhk”, four years
                                         doubts over the credibility and sub-  ago with her sister. It currently has
                                         jective judgement of taste. Still, he  255,000 followers. Recalling the ear-
                                         has a team to collect online posts data  ly stage of getting followers, Leung
                                         for internal reference. Instead of de-  thinks the rule of thumb is to un-
                                         pending on Foodstagram promotion,  derstand who your followers are and
                                         Chiang values the cooperation with  match the suitable price range of food.
                                         student fans who distribute fan-made  She shows a photo of rice with curry
                                         goods  for  their  idols,  mostly  K-Pop  fish balls, which is sold at HK$13, but

      placed for customers to take some
      artsy photos.
        Although Wong acknowledges
      the promotional effect of foodies,
      she thinks the opposite effect is more
      detrimental. “If they appreciate your
      drink, there is an extra 20 per cent of
      the positive effect. But when they bad-
      mouth you, it will be an extra 80 per
      cent of the negative effect.” Wong once
      faced criticism online just because she
      refused an invitation to a foodies net-
      working event from a marketing firm.
        Matthew  Chiang, co-owner of
      Bubble Tea Work, shares a similar
      feeling towards the foodies. As a Hong
      Kong originated brand, Chiang and
      his partner strike to keep the qual-
      ity of handmade tapioca balls as their   The pink decoration style is prepared for female customers
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