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                                                                                 To achieve long-

                                                                                   term develop-

                                                                                 ment of Chinese

                                                                                    medicine, the

                                                                                government itself

                                                                                 must take the re-


      Other than raw herbs, some traditional Chinese medicine clinics are prescribing con-
      centrated Chinese medicine granules to patients

      is slightly larger, they can work on dif-  ment Fund of HK$500 million is set  the sustainability of the project. “To
      ferent platforms, such as hospitals and  up to facilitate applied research and  achieve long-term development of
      specialist divisions. But Chinese med-  Chinese medicine specialisation. Part  Chinese medicine, the government it-
      icine practitioners are only serving a  of the fund is dedicated to promoting  self must take the responsibility. What
      smaller group of patients.         public  awareness  and  nurturing tal-  if an NGO (non-governmental organ-
        Apart from providing more oppor-  ents for Chinese medicine hospital.  isation) quits after running the hospi-
      tunities, the future hospital is believed                              tal for 10 years? Then, the government
      to be able to enhance the develop-   Management and ownership of       would have to look for another one.
      ment of Chinese medicine. “We know      Chinese medicine hospital      Would this affect the business model
      the government has been actively ex-  To maximise the room for further  and the quality of services?” he asks.
      ploring the role of Chinese medicine  development, the Chinese medicine   Sun Siu-yan, Officer of Union of
      in  healthcare.  Initially,  they  did  not  hospital will be operated by a non-  Frontline Chinese Medicine Practi-
      know much about                    profit organisation on a self-financing  tioners (Hong Kong), says the pro-
      the   functions                    basis. The government will finance the  posed mode of operation has some
      of    Chinese                      construction and select an operator  advantages. She, however, recalls how
      medicine. But                      through tendering procedures.       Dr Cheung Wai-lun, Project Direc-
      now you can                           The ownership arrangement has  tor of the Chinese Medicine Hospital
      see the gov-                       received divided responses among  Project Office, addressed their con-
      ernment has a                      stakeholders. The plan is not wel-  cerns in a meeting.
      clearer picture of                 comed by some practitioners like       “During the start-up period,
      the positioning of  Sung Chun-kei  Sung. He says: “We have a very clear  Cheung said, if the hospital was solely
      it,” Sung says.                    stance: we want the government to  managed by the Hospital Authority,
        As announced in the 2018-19  fully own the hospital.”                there would be many constraints im-
      Budget, a Chinese Medicine Develop-   Sung  also  expresses  worries  over  posed by the government, unlike the
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