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      dled there.                        medicine should be complementary.
        “Traditionally, a Chinese medi-  Also, they should respect each other,”
      cine hospital should not have opera-  he says.
      tion rooms. If you need to stay in the           Lin  says  it  is  neces-
      [Chinese medicine] hospital, you are               sary to resort to
      purely receiving Chinese medicinal                  Western medicine
      treatment, instead of being intervened               practitioners in
      by Western doctors,” he says.                         times of emer-
        Lee believes the establishment of                   gency. They can    In terms of med-
      the Chinese medicine hospital carries                carry out blood
      a symbolic meaning for the whole in-                tests, X-ray ex-      ical techniques,
      dustry. It reflects that the government           aminations and pre-
      recognises the significance of Chinese   Lin Zhixiu  scription of Western   the relationship
      medicine. Historically, the first hospi-          medications.
      tal in Hong Kong, which was operated   In general, Lin is optimistic about   of Chinese and
      by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals  the establishment of the Chinese       Western medi-
      150 years ago, was also a Chinese  medicine hospital. “It can enhance the
      medicine hospital.                 overall remuneration level of the  sec-  cine should be
        Rather than advocating exclusive  tor. As the Chinese medicine hospital
      use of Chinese medicine in the new  is the leader in clinical research in   complementary
      Chinese medicine hospital, Professor  Hong Kong, hopefully it can raise the
      Lin Zhixiu, Associate Director at the  professional standard of the industry,”
      School of Chinese Medicine at the  he says.
      Chinese University of  Hong  Kong
      (CUHK),  holds a different view. “In
      terms of medical techniques, the re-
      lationship of Chinese and Western
                                                                                     Edited by Sarah Poon

      The School of Chinese Medicine at CUHK houses a wide collection of books on the use of Chinese medicine
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