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                                                                                   We specially im-
                                                                                  port Turkey-based

                                                                                ham from Malaysia,
                                                                                  which is five times

                                                                                more expensive than
                                                                                      the pork ham

     Halal meat is more expensive than non-halal kind

        Why does halal food matter to    by the restaurants to make sure that  90 per cent of their meat as it is very
                  Muslims?               they come from a trustable source.  difficult to find halal meat in the city.
        Muslims have to follow the dietary   The cooking method of halal food  He reveals the cost of halal meats in
      standards as prescribed in the Quran.   also has to comply with Islamic laws.   Hong Kong can be 10 per cent higher
      They are required to follow a halal         “We  make  sure  there  is  noth-  than normal meat.
      diet – eating only what is permissi-  ing mixed in the process. We make   Some meats can be way more ex-
      ble by their God. Precautions must be   sure there is no contamination from  pensive, such as pepperoni and ham.
      taken during the preparation of halal   the fridge to the cooker until being  “Normally, pepperoni  and ham  are
      food. For instance, halal meats have to   served,” Mohammad adds.      made of pork. But pork is not halal.
      be processed, transported and stored    So far, there are 72 halal-certified  So, we specially import turkey-based
      according to Islamic guidelines.    restaurants in Hong Kong. The num-  ham from Malaysia, which is five
        “Before the actual animal is slaugh-           ber of restaurants,  times more expensive than pork ham,”
      tered, the animal needs to be looked               however, is limited  says Rekhani.
      after properly...After it is slaughtered,            comparing to the        Ebeneezer’s is currently the larg-
      when it is being transported, there                  large   Muslim    est halal restaurant chain in Hong
      should be no contamination between                   population   in   Kong. All of its 17 branches have re-
      halal and non-halal,” explains Ibra-                 Hong Kong. In  ceived halal certificate issued by the
      heem Mohammad, halal products                       the 2016 Hong  Trustees. Rekhani says it is not too
      certification officer of The Incorpo-             Kong Year Book, the  difficult to obtain a halal certification.
      rated Trustees of the Islamic Commu-   Ibraheem    Census and Statis-  The obstacle, however, is to maintain
      nity of Hong Kong (the Trustees).     Mohammad     tics Department es-  the certification. He says officers from
                                                         timated the Muslim  the Trustees would conduct regular
       What is the significance of halal-  population in the city to be 300,000.   spot checks and surprise inspections
       certified restaurants to Muslims?                                     on restaurants, which might hinder
        The Trustees has started certify-  What are the hurdles local eateries   the daily operations of some.
      ing halal restaurants since 2006. The   may face to become halal-certified?   “They will regularly come into
      initiative is to provide the local Mus-  A higher cost of imported food  your kitchen. Without asking you
      lim community a sense of security of   can be an issue for restaurants to be-  anything, they open up your fridges,
      what they are eating. Mohammad says   come halal-certified. Anil Rekhani,  your storeroom and check each and

      religious experts from the Trustees   director of Ebeneezer’s Kebabs & Piz-  every item,” Rekhani says. Smaller
      would inspect halal ingredients used   zeria, says the company has to import  restaurants might find it difficult to
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