Page 32 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 32


           Most of the food in

          halal restaurants are

         unhealthy. That’s also

           the reason I do not

            like eating outside

                                                   With 17 branches across the city, Ebeneezer’s offers local Muslims a wide
                                                   selection of Halal cuisines

        accommodate such a requirement,  mand, but people would like to have  eral.” he says.
        deterring them from getting a halal  more options and variety.            Currently, the Hong Kong Tour-
        certification.                         “I have some Chinese friends  and  ism Board organises seminars to en-
                                            when they think of halal, they match  courage companies to promote halal
         Are Muslims enjoying a wide vari-  that with the Islamic culture or Mus-  tourism. It also puts the list of certi-
          ety of halal food in Hong Kong?   lim people that they know. So, they  fied halal food outlets
           Mehmet Emin Arduç, an 18-year-   think halal food must be kebab and  on  its  website  for
        old Muslim high school student who  curry... People think that because  Muslim    tour-
        has moved to Hong Kong       f o r  there’s a cultural association, but any  ists. But Frankel
        five years, is con-                 food can be halal,” says Frankel.   suggests  more
        cerned with the                                                         can be done to
        h e a l t hin es s                    What can be done to make Hong     incentivise more
        of halal food                          Kong a more Muslim-friendly      businesses to ac-
        served in restau-                              destination?             commodate halal    James Frankel
        rants. Although                        Last year, Hong Kong was on the  food demand.
        halal food choices                  list of top five Muslim-friendly non-  He cites Taiwan as a model. The
        have increased in                   OIC (Organisation of Islamic Coop-  region has a similar proportion of
        recent years as ha-  Emin Arduç     eration) destinations in the Global  Muslim population like Hong Kong
        lal restaurants can                 Muslim Travel Index. Frankel says  but has made strong efforts to boost
        be found in almost every district now,  Hong Kong should seize the opportu-  Islamic business development and at-
        he finds only a few of them serve nu-  nity brought by its incoming Muslim  tract Muslim tourists. The Taiwanese
        tritious cuisines.                  tourists and the growth of the local  government has been hosting the Tai-
           “Most of the food in halal restau-  Muslim population.               wan International Halal Expo since
        rants are unhealthy. That’s also the   “Hong Kong prides itself for being  2012 to provide local companies ac-
        reason I do not like eating outside,”  an international city and being a mag-  cess to the world’s halal market.
        says Arduç. “The food is too greasy  net for tourism and business. If you   Frankel says it is important to edu-
        and too heavy.”                     want to attract Muslim visitors and  cate local eateries the market potential
           Professor James Frankel, direc-  also the increasing Muslim popula-  of halal food. He believes steps should
        tor of Centre for the Study of Islamic  tion, I do think the government could  be taken to create a favourable busi-
        Culture at the Chinese University of  initiate some programmes, and some  ness  environment  for local  restau-
        Hong Kong, believes there are enough  promotion to increase the awareness  rants to accommodate halal demand,
        restaurants to satisfy the halal de-  of not only halal but also Islam in gen-  such as providing capital incentives
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