Page 30 - 151 Varsity Ebook
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     Halal Taste                                                                       t was the biggest sin that I’ve

                                                                                       ever made,” says Mubina
                                                                               “IJabeen, a 21-year-old student
                                                                                at the Chinese University of Hong
     Hunt                                                                       Kong.
                                                                                  The “sin” she committed was eat-
                                                                                ing a pineapple bun made with lard
                                                                                by accident when she was eight. Being
                                                                                a pious Muslim, eating the bun is not
     Local Muslims look for a more diverse selection of                         just a matter of making a wrong food

     halal food                                                                 choice. Consuming products contain-
                                                                                ing pork content is a strict taboo in
     By Hayley Wong & Regina Chen                                               Islam.
                                                                                  “I felt extremely disgusted and I
                                                                                was guilty at the same time... So, I had
                                                                                to pray and ask for forgiveness from
                                                                                my God,” she says.
                                                                                  To avoid consuming food forbid-
                                                                                den by her religion again, Jabeen has
                                                                                been extremely cautious in choosing
                                                                                her food ever since.
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