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                                                                               Hong Kong people

                                                                              like jumping on the

                                                                             bandwagon of shar-

                                                                                 ing  trendy food

                                                                             puts many food and

                                                                                beverage outlets

                                                                                     into death

      Wong uses purple potato juice to make the drink more photogenic
     Instagram and Facebook. If the bev-
     erage appears to be photogenic, they
     will think it is worth to have a try,”
     Leung says.  She says she cannot dif-
     ferentiate the taste of the brown sugar
     bubble tea from different shops so
     that it is difficult for this industry to
     be sustainable, no matter how tasty
     the beverage is.
        Regarding the “camera eats first”
     phenomenon,     Fran-
     cisco Cisternas, as-
     sistant professor
     of the Marketing
     Department at
     the Chinese Uni-
     versity of Hong
     Kong, suggests this
     is a way for the  Francisco Cisternas  Bubble tea shops encourage people to follow their Facebook pages
     young generation
     to search for independence and estab-  tion than other forms of marketing,”   to be careful not to hurt what people
     lish a social identity. The reward they   says Cisternas. Although it allows the   want to see. Because this may have a
     get from social media, in the form of   shops to pick up free publicity, Cister-  negative effect on their own business
     likes, comments, and sharing, is im-  nas mentions the risk of losing control   model,” Cisternas adds.
     mediate, and it reinforces this behav-  of the advertising content by using
     iour.                               Foodstagram promotion.
        Cisternas believes Foodstagrams     In the long term, the incentive of    Edited by Fangdong Bai
     play a determinant role in the evalua-  foodies to cooperate with bubble tea
     tion of a beverage shop. “Recommen-  shop is complicated, he says. “On one
     dations from a friend have a signifi-  hand they can be charged for giving
     cantly stronger impact on consumers’   preference to bubble tea shop in their
     purchase intention and brand evalua-  page. But on the other hand, they have
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