Page 28 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 28


        the food served in these restaurants
        are mostly refrigerated and reheated,”
        says Cheng.
           Nette Tsang Wing-tung, spokes-
        person of a concern group, Synergy
        Kowloon, says long queues of travel
        coaches  place  significant traffic  bur-
                      den on To Kwa Wan.
                        She has seen po-
                          lice officers put-
                           ting barriers on
                           crossroads   to
                          manage crowds
                          of  tourists  to
                        queue outside a res-
           Nette Tsang   taurant, forcing stu-
            Wing-tung  dents on a school bus
        to get off in the middle of the road.
           Tsang says even if a tourist breaks
        a  law  and receives  a penalty  ticket,   sadors to station in the district since   She suggests that the government
        they can still leave Hong Kong with-  2016. The ambassadors are responsi-  should collect tourist tax and require
        out paying a fine. “I once saw a tour-  ble for keeping the environment clean   souvenir shops to obtain operation
        ist throwing a stub to a potted plant   and advising coach drivers not to pick   permissions after  a  thorough assess-
        outside a store. The owner yelled and   up, drop off or park illegally at popu-  ment and public consultation.
        asked him to pick up the cigarette bud   lar gathering spots. They can also call
        and demanded an apology, but the    upon law enforcement agencies to            Privacy Concern in
        tourist just ran back to a coach,” says   take follow-up actions on-site.       Choi Hung Estate
        Tsang.                                 However, Tsang doubts the effec-   Apart from buying souvenirs,
           To alleviate nuisance brought by   tiveness of the project, as there are   tourists enjoy visiting local photo
        inbound tour groups, the Kowloon    reports about some ambassadors fail-  spots. Choi Hung Estate has become
        City District Council has launched a   ing to do their duties due to the lack of   a hotspot. Renowned for its colourful
        pilot project to recruit tourism ambas-  supervision from the authority.  and  vividly painted housing blocks,
                                                                                a picture taken in the estate won the
                                                                                Sony World Photography Awards in
                                                                                  A  Shenzhen tourist, surnamed
                                                                                Chen, says she learned about this pho-
                                                                                tographic gem from Xiaohongshu (小
                                                                                紅書), a Chinese social media plat-
                                                                                form. She says it is a widely recom-
                                                                                mended picture-perfect place, but she
                                                                                does not find the spot very special.
                                                                                  Chen says some residents of other
                                                                                public housing estates do not wel-
                                                                                come tourists to take pictures. “There
                                                                                is a reminder from Xiao Hung Shu
                                                                                asking us not to disturb the residents,”
                                                                                she adds.
                                                                                  Lorraine Lee, who has lived in the
                                                                                estate for five years,  thinks it is fine
                                                                                for tourists to take pictures inside the
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