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    and dramatic training that performers   opera compulsory in school’s music
    have to master.                      class can let students learn Cantonese
       Cantonese opera with singing and   opera. But such teaching methods are
    spoken scripts delivered in Canton-  inefficient to cultivate children’s inter-
    ese dialect is popular in Cantonese-  est or increase their participation in
    speaking regions, such as Guangdong,   Cantonese opera.
    Hong Kong and Macau. Its variegated     In 2005, to help develop Canton-
    costumes, distinctive singings and   ese  opera,  the  Home  Affairs  Bureau
    symbolic gestures attract people from   (HAB)  set  up  the  Cantonese  Opera
    all over the world. In 2009, it was in-  Development Fund (CODF) for local
    scribed onto the UNESCO’s Repre-     associations. CODF aims to support
    sentative List of the Intangible Cul-  and fund different kinds of projects
    tural Heritage of Humanity.          to help promote Cantonese opera.
       However, the younger  generation   Meanwhile, some non-governmental
    in the city may not know how to ap-  associations also offer funding to sup-
    preciate this traditional art form.  port Cantonese opera, such as the
                                         Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and
           Is education enough?          Dance Fund. But resources are still
       While teaching Cantonese oper-    limited, so not all schools have the fi-
    atic music is compulsory in the HK-  nancial ability to seek help from Can-
    DSE Music curriculum, not all music   tonese opera associations to train mu-
    teachers are equipped with the knowl-  sic teachers.
    edge to teach it.
       Li Yin-hing, Program Officer of the      Nowhere to perform
    Cha Duk Chang Children’s Cantonese      Li points out small opera associa-
    Opera Association, says: “If a school   tions struggle to find suitable perfor-
    teacher teaches Cantonese opera by   mance venues due to expensive rents
    himself or herself, he or she will play   in private sites. “For some local small
    pieces of traditional music and vid-  troupes, we cannot afford the rent for
    eos of Cantonese opera, or just open   performance sites if there is no sub-
    a textbook and ask students to sing a   sidy,” she says.
    Cantonese opera song together.”         Cantonese opera associations find   Wong Ching-han brings her son, Cheng Tin-
       In Li’s view, making Cantonese    it hard to book public performance   ho, to Cantonese Opera class every Saturday

               Children warming up for the class                   Cha Duk Chang Children’s Cantonese Opera Association
                                                                                in The Mills in Tsuen Wan
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