Page 32 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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   Sunbeam Theatre in North Point

        sites which are much cheaper to rent.  government may give priorities to fa-  ment policies, but
        While major performance sites are of-  mous Cantonese opera troupes to use   not all activities
        ten reserved by big opera associations,  performance  sites  at  the  Xiqu  Cen-  from the crea-
        local small troupes can only turn to  tre, so it may not be available for the   tive industry are
        sites they can afford.              small-scale ones. Also, the expensive   supported by the
           “It is difficult for us to set the stage  rent may not be affordable for them.  government,” she
        or carry performance props,” she says.   “Having one more performance   says. Lau thinks it
        Li  shares  their  experience  of  using  site is better than one less,” says Lau   is inappropriate for  Lau Wai-ming
        Youth Square in Chai Wan, which  Wai-ming, Artistic Director of Yeung   arts association to
        turns out to be an unsuitable site, as  Ming Cantonese Opera Troupe. She   change their principles in a bid to re-
        it is not specially built for performing  believes the opening of Xiqu Centre   ceive government support.
        Cantonese opera.                    is good news for Cantonese Opera.     Lau also points out the current
           Officially opened on January 20,  While she appreciates that the govern-  policies tend to favour younger art-
        2019,  Xiqu  Centre,  is the first com-  ment has put effort into the Xiqu Cen-  ists,  which  could  drive  current  art-
        pleted project of the West Kowloon  tre, she believes another challenge is
        Cultural District and the first profes-  that there are not many performance
        sional Cantonese opera performance  sites specifically designed for Canton-
        centre in Hong Kong. Occupying a to-  ese opera.
        tal of 28,164 square metres, the Xiqu                                      Having one more
        Centre holds a Grand Theatre, a Tea           Who can help?
        House Theatre, eight professional stu-  Other than shortage of perfor-   performance site is
        dios and a seminar hall. They are all  mance sites, Lau believes the devel-
        specially designed for different types  opment of Cantonese opera is not on  better than one less
        of  functions  and  activities  related  to  the right track. “We are now develop-
        Chinese opera.                      ing arts with government resources
           But some insiders reflect that the  and we have to comply with govern-
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