Page 33 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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                              Since everyone knows that there is a problem,

                                     it is a good start for Cantonese opera

      ists out of the field due to the lack of  just to cultivate actors, but also to cul-  give honest comments to them so that
      support. When the quality of current  tivate the audience,” Lau adds.  they can improve. Also, we should ad-
      performance is affected, it can possi-  In order to preserve Cantonese  vise the government to follow up and
      bly lead to loss of audience.  But, Lau  opera,  Ching  May-bo, professor  of  review its funding allocation and ad-
      stills feel optimistic about the future  History at the Department of Chinese  just it accordingly.
      of Cantonese opera, with the grow-                and History at the      All in all, Ching believes Canton-
      ing population of old people in Hong                City University of  ese opera will embrace a glorious fu-
      Kong. “It is absolutely normal for a                 Hong Kong, be-    ture. “Since everyone knows that there
      60-year-old to appreciate Cantonese                   lieves it is a col-  is a problem, it is a good start for Can-
      opera as an art form with their own                   lective respon-  tonese opera,” she says.
      life experience,” she says.                          sibility. “No one
                                                          should be blamed                Edited by Erica Li
               Future of Xiqu                            for the problems in
        Lau believes there is a need to sow   Ching May-bo  the development of
      the seeds for younger audience to ac-  Cantonese opera today,” she says.
      cept this traditional art form now.     Ching stresses that we should re-
      “The main purpose of promoting  spect opinions from Cantonese opera
      Cantonese opera to children is not  performers, while we as audience, can

                                                                           Xiqu Centre at the West Kowloon Cultural District
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