Page 41 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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           Cultural, art and

         creative industry is

        the new driving force

                 of society

      perience with students. Students can   for students to join university-wide
      learn the dynamics and updates of the   exchange programmes in which they
      art industry by talking to them.   can  meet and  build more  connec-
        Ho says the Department of Fine   tions with foreign artists around the
      Arts at CUHK also tries to do as much   world. He also says a government
      as it can to offer practical training to   fund should be set up to support non-
      help students gain exposure. Students   mainstream artists whose works are
      are invited to work as helpers for some   yet to be accepted by the commercial
      foreign artists and at some art events.   market. He says such a move can help
      But he says a better way to let students   diversify development of the local art
      learn more about the work of artists   field.
      is to allow them to get involved in art   “Cultural, art and creative industry
      projects at schools.               is the new driving force of society,” Ho
        “Most of the teachers are also full-  stresses.
      time local artists. Students can better
      understand  the  work  of professional
      artists if they can take part in some
      art projects led by their teachers,” Ho   Edited by Tommy Yuen

      More government support needed
        In the year 2018/19, the Grant for
      Emerging Artists, offered by the Hong
      Kong Arts Development Council
      (HKADC), has received 52 applica-
      tions with a success rate of 62 per cent.
      HKADC also provides overseas and
      local internship opportunities, and
      operates an online platform provid-
      ing job market information – though
      most of the posts are not related to art
      creations.                                                              Recruitment ads posted on HKADC web-
                                                                               site are mostly related to administrative
        Ho thinks the government should                                                        duties or marketing
      also  provide  more  financial  support                                 Screen capture from the HKADC website
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