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      dent of CUHK, Thomas Fung Yee-tin,  about HK$40,000 to HK$50,000 in an  around HK$10,000 to HK$12,000 for
      says he wants to be a full-time artist  exhibition. But the income is unstable,  renting a studio, purchasing materials
      after his graduation. He says some  as they can only afford to hold one or  for his artworks and daily expenses.
      of the artists try to create commer-  two exhibitions with around 30 paint-
      cial artworks that are welcomed by  ings in each event every year. There       Fierce competition
      the market for more stable income.  is no guarantee that the sales will   Currently, publicly-funded fine
      He specialises in                  be good in every exhibition. “If the  arts or visual arts programmes are
      Chinese painting                   sales of artwork is good in an exhibi-  only available at the CUHK, the Hong
      now, an art gen-                   tion, the artist can earn HK$300,000  Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and
      re that is rela-                   to HK$400,000, but he or she has to  the Education University of Hong
      tively popular                     share the earnings with the gallery in  Kong (EduHK).
      in Hong Kong.                      a 50:50 or 40:60 ratio,” Fung says.    Only 19 out of the 1,675 applicants
        Fung says that                      Fung now takes up a part-time job  were admitted to the fine arts pro-
      a Chinese paint-                   as an event campaigner for more in-  gramme at CUHK in 2018. The visual
      ing can be sold for   Thomas Fung   come. He adds that he needs to spend  arts  programme  offered  by HKBU
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