Page 40 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 40


                                                                                ternship course this year, Zhang says
                                                                                other parts of the curriculum are not
                                                                                practical enough to help them devel-
                                                                                op future career in the field.
                                                                                  “It’s difficult to ask for more sup-
                                                                                port after we graduate. The university
                                                                                can provide more support to help us
                                                                                better understand the dynamics of the
                                                                                art field when we are still in school.
                                                                                That will help us build connection
                                                                                with people in the [art] circle,” Zhang
                                                                                  Professor Ho Siu-kee, Director of
                                                                                M.A. Programme and Associate Pro-
                                                                                fessor at the Department of Fine Arts
                                                                                at CUHK, believes that universities
                                                                                are not for vocational training. Nev-
                                                                                ertheless, they have the responsibility
        Year Four CUHK fine arts student Zhang Jiayu expresses concerns over her   to provide support to help students
        future career
                                                                                build  their  career.  He  says  universi-
                                                                                ties should train students to put class-
        admitted 51 students from 2,827 ap-    Zhang Jiayu, a Year Four CUHK    room knowledge into practice.
        plications,  and  a  similar  program  at   student, who changed her major from   He  adds  that  CUHK  and  other
        EduHK only took 10 students out of   cultural management to fine arts, as-  schools have included a
        2,134 applications in 2018, according   pires to be a full-time artist after grad-  course “professional
        to  the Joint  University Programmes   uation. “As a fine arts student, I hope   practice”, in which
        Admissions System (JUPAS) admis-    that my [future] job will be related to   different people
        sion results.                       my interest”, she says.             from the art field,
           Despite the small intake of fine    However,  Zhang reckons  that    such as gallery
        arts students at the three universities,   chances are slim. She says career sup-  owners, local art-
        there is no guarantee that the labour   port for fine arts graduates from her   ists and museum
        market can accommodate all 200 to   school is insufficient. Even though her   managers, are invit-
        300 graduates each year.            school has introduced a summer in-  ed to share their ex-  Professor Ho

        Artists have to share profits made from artworks sale in exhibitions with galleries
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