Page 38 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 38


           Artist Career:

           Viable or Impossible?

           Art graduates struggle to become full-time artists

           By Ariel Lai & Sarah Ryou

                  ou can’t survive simply          A struggle to survive
                  by selling art creations,    “It’s not cheap to rent a studio in
        “Yunless you were born in  Hong Kong. Art supplies are also very
        a rich family,” says Jay Lau Ka-chun,  expensive,” Lau says. “We often need   You can’t survive
        a Year Four fine arts student of the  to take up other jobs to make more
        Chinese University of  Hong  Kong  money in order to strike a balance be-  simply by selling
        (CUHK). Lau thinks it is            tween our income and expenditure.”
        very difficult to make                Lau also says it is hard for full-time   art creations, unless
        a living as a full-time                 artists to make ends meet if they
        artist in Hong Kong                     lack the necessary connections in  you were born in a
        because of unstable                     the art industry such as gallery        rich family
        income and keen                         owners or curators. He says art-
        competition. Making                    ists have to work day and night to
        art in Hong Kong is                   build their career.
        also very costly.      Jay Lau Ka-chun   Another final year fine arts stu-
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