Page 36 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 36


                    They can get very

         delighted when people in Hong

         Kong are actually interested in

                their sport and culture

                                                                                Kabaddi is not just a game for adults
                                                                        Photo courtesy of Kabaddi United Hong Kong

                        says Ho Yan-yee, a  about  cultural  diversity  through the  members can also be given job oppor-
                          Kabaddi coach.  game. Since its inauguration, the  tunities related to Kabaddi,” says Lo.
                           She    believes  group has collaborated with 42 organ-  However, Lo believes career sup-
                           Kabaddi     re-  isations and arranged more than 150  port is not the ultimate solution for
                           quires    both   Kabaddi workshops with a turnout of  EM to integrate into the society. “You
                           speed      and   over 2,000 participants.            may still get labelled with low-paid or
                          strength. “Com-      It has also organised Kabaddi fun  simple jobs,” Lo explains. As the EM
                           paring with bas-  days and beginners’ classes in the  are not able to find their values, they
             Ho Yan-yee
                           ketball or foot-  community with the help of its in-  have low satisfaction in life.
         ball which have fixed strategies, it is a  tercultural ambassadors. After play-  Currently, there are seven to eight
         blend of all sports,” she says.    ing Kabaddi, participants of differ-  EM intercultural ambassadors work-
                                            ent nationalities and ethnicities are  ing in Kabaddi United Hong Kong.
                Bonding the society         encouraged to join a sharing session,  “They can get very delighted when
            Kabaddi United Hong Kong,  in which they introduce their beliefs,  people in Hong Kong are actually in-
         founded in 2014, aims to promote so-  culture, and languages.          terested in their sport and culture,” he
         cial inclusion by introducing Kabad-  Promoting culture through sports  says. Lo added that there is a change
         di. Lo Yuk-kwong, one of the co-   is not common in Hong Kong. “The  in their identities. “They can gain sat-
         founders, says the sport is an active  major purpose is to integrate Chinese  isfaction when they share their cul-
         and concrete way to empower ethnic  with other ethnic groups. Also, EM  ture with Hong Kong people,” he says.
         minorities (EM) in Hong Kong.
                        Lo explains why
                        Kabaddi has been
                          used to help solve
                           the social inclu-
                           sion  problem.
                           “There are peo-
                          ple who want to
                        help EM, unfortu-
           Lo Yuk-kwong   nately they only
                          advocate policy
         changes, which turns out to be empty
         talks since it could not help explain
         why we should not discriminate
         them,” he says.
            Kabaddi United Hong Kong aims
         to foster social integration and en-
         courage the public to learn more
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