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            Kabaddi as a language        Hong  Kong,  Sunar  always  reminds    “They got the idea that it won’t feel
        Language is always a barrier when   himself to stay positive when trying to   good when you try to leave somebody
      it  comes to communication  with   interact with people of different eth-  out, and they start to have this kind
      people from different countries, but   nicities. “Whether I’m understanding   of sense and take further actions,”
      Kabaddi is a sport that requires no   them or not, I just stay with them and   Tang says. He hopes others can do the
                    verbal language at   then get to know them,” he says.    same. “Nowadays, the biggest prob-
                       all.  It  enables                                     lem for Hong Kong Chinese is not to
                        people to com-             Mutual effort             have this kind of awareness. They take
                        municate eas-       Language barriers can only be    it for granted,” he adds.
                        ily with physical   overcome with col-                  Tang believes having fun is the key
                        touch. “If you   lective   efforts.                  to arouse others’ interest in enthic mi-
                       are [only] learn-  Wyman     Tang                     norties and help them intergrate into
                       ing the funda-    Wai-man,    ad-                     Hong Kong mainstream society. He
          Royal Sunar  mentals, it’s very   junct  assistant                 adds: “But if we think: ‘We’re going to
      easy to communicate with everyone,   professor of the                  play, you’re going to have fun,’ then we
      whether we have a language barrier   Department  of                    can create something that is intercul-
      or not,” says Royal Sunar, a Nepalian   Anthropology at                tural.”
      intercultural ambassador born and   the  Chinese  Uni-  Wyman Tang        Kabaddi is not just a notch on the
      raised in Hong Kong.               versity of Hong      Wai-man        belt of social integration. “It is actually
        “When you belong to minority,    Kong, is grateful that the Hong Kong   mutual empowerment. It is mutually
      whether others show it or not, you’re   Kabaddi Team members have the   beneficial,” Tang adds.
      gonna feel you are left out,” he says.   awareness to translate messages for
      Even though he is born and raised in   each other in their Whatsapp group.          Edited by Erica Li

         Kabaddi is a good way for EM girls to make new friends    Kabaddi can be played anywhere, anytime
                    and get in touch with society                 Photo courtesy of Kabaddi United Hong Kong
             Photo courtesy of Kabaddi United Hong Kong

               They got the idea that it won’t feel good when you try to

                leave somebody out, and they start to have this kind of

                                   sense and take further actions
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