Page 18 - 155 Varsity ebook
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16 / Coronavirus Special

        time to spot all differences in ques-
        tions,” he says.
           Ho suggests that measures could
        be implemented for future online
        examinations. “For example, exami-
        nations could be held in a central-
        ised manner at a fixed time, similar
        to conventional exams. Stricter reg-
        ulations (like making multiple ques-
        tion sets) can also be enforced so that
        students are further  discouraged to
        attempt cheating,” Ho says.
                                            Results of the Survey on the Arrangements of Tuition Fees During Class Suspension
                Calls for Refunds           by the Student Union of CUHK  (Source: Student Union of CUHK)
           Apart  from technical  concerns   ingless to me,” Anne explains.     on fee refunds but postpones the
        regarding  the  operation  of online   According to a survey conducted  due date for tuition fees to April 30.
        teaching, another major issue lies in   by the Student Union of CUHK in  Johnny Tam, the Public Relations
        tuition fees.                       February, 98 per cent out of 5,670  and Media Manager of HKUST, says
           Anne, a Taiwanese who refuses    undergraduates said that at least a  tuition  fees  will  stay  the  same  as
        to disclose her real name, is a Year   part of the second term tuition fees  classes are conducted by the same
        1 Biomedical Sciences  student  at   should be refunded. Nearly 95 per  professors.
        CUHK. She believes fee adjustment   cent responded they deserved a full
        or relevant explanation is necessary.   or partial refund for the first term tu-  Save Time, Save Money
           “A reasonable amount of refunds   ition fees. HKUST Students’ Union    There are, on the other hand,
        has to be considered. We need an ex-  has also submitted a petition for a 60  students who prefer online teach-
        planation if the school decides not   per cent refund.                  ing. Yvonne Leung is a local stu-
        to give a refund,” says Anne. “My      At public universities in Hong  dent of CUHK who live is Siu Sai-
        practical classes are heavily affected.   Kong, tuition fee for local students  Wan. She used to spend about three
        Lab courses are all cancelled. Some-  is about HK$ 42,100 (US$ 5,400) per  hours per day to commute to school
        times, my professor presents with a   year, for non-locals the fee ranges  by bus and MTR. Despite occasional
        skeleton model, but I can hardly see   from HK$ 140,000 to HK$ 171,000  unstable internet connection, she
        it through the camera.”             (US$ 18,000 - 22,000).              appreciates the advantage of taking
           Her first year of university has    Registration and Examinations  online classes – saving money on
        been rough. The university cancelled   Section of CUHK makes no remarks  travels. “I think online teaching is
        most of the classes about three weeks
        earlier than the schedule, in the first
        term. They emptied the campus and
        advised staff and students not to re-
        turn until the campus environment
        was confirmed safe and restored.
        The school now replaces face-to-face
        classes with virtual ones due to the
        current pandemic.
           “I know it’s not the school’s fault
        for what happened in the first term,
        but I lost those remaining classes.
        We do not only care about grades
        but also the learning outcomes. The
        present  class  suspension  and what
        happened in the last term make it
        (studying in Hong Kong) a bit mean-  Anne, a Taiwanese student, attending an online lecture (Photo courtesy of Anne)
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