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                     You can only reach out to patients and realise

                     the fragility of life when offering them treat-
                                        ment on the frontline.


      bag rounds are also common injuries. They can be severe   “I have been risking myself on the frontline because
      if involving face and orbit.”                        I knew that the government would not treat protesters
        “You can only reach out to patients and realize the fra- with minimal force,” says Mark, adding that he knew ex-
      gility of life when offering them treatment in the front- cessive force would be used because he witnessed much
      line,” Dr. K says.                                   tear gas used during the Umbrella Movement in 2014.
        He adds that even though many patients suffer from a   Mark says he felt heartbroken while helping the in-
      series of illnesses, they show dignity in fighting for what  jured. “I had to deal with many severe cases of injuries.
      they believe in.                                     I remember a boy who was shot in the face by a tear gas
        Mark, a medical student studying at the Chinese Uni- bullet. He couldn’t even open his eyes nor take off his
      versity of Hong Kong, who declines to reveal his identity,  contact lenses. And his forehead kept bleeding,” he says.
      says he cannot turn a blind eye to the force used against
      protestors so he joins the first aid team with Dr. K.

                                                                                      Edited by Wayne Chang
                                                                                     Sub-edited by Emilie Lui

     A protester became the icon of the movement after being injured in the eye on August 11.   (Photo courtesy of Sam
     Tsang SCMP)
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