Page 24 - 155 Varsity ebook
P. 24

22 / Periscope

                                                                               leaving Hong Kong to continue his
                                                                               studies overseas and for better men-
                                                                               tal health.
                                                                                  A doctor who works in a public
                                                                               hospital and addresses himself as Dr
                                                                               K, says he encounters many patients
                                                                               with head injuries, which often lead
                                                                               to open wounds like scalp lacera-
                                                                               tions (head wounds).
                                                                                  Dr. K is also a volunteer first aider
                                                                               in protests related to the movement.
                                                                               He says that many injured protesters
                                                                               are reluctant to seek medical treat-
                                                                               ment: “They worry that they might
                                                                               be located by police officers in emer-
                                                                               gency rooms at public hospitals,” the
                                                                               doctor who also coordinates first aid
                                                                               teams on the frontline says.
        An injured protester receiving treatment after clashing with the police on July 1,   Dr. K had to deal with many pa-
        2019  (Photo courtesy of K. Y. Cheng SCMP)                             tients with serious injuries while
                                                                               serving on the frontline. “A person
                                                                               was shot by bean bag rounds in the
        Chu had two stitches on his scalp,     “In Hong Kong, no one is hold-  head, causing deep laceration and
        and his doctor told him he was for-  ing the police to account. You can’t  fragment of foreign body embedded
        tunate that he got no other serious  charge them as they wear masks  in wound, with subsequent infec-
        problem. He was hospitalised for  and do not show their work identity  tion,” says Dr. K. He says wounds
        two weeks and underwent physi-      cards when they are on duty. IPCC  from rubber bullets and bean bag
        otherapy and had to attend psychi-  (Independent Police Complaints  rounds are quite frequent in protest
        atric consultation for three months.  Council) is useless. I feel hopeless  sites. “They very often cause open
           Chu says he still feels trauma-  and frustrated,” says Chu.         wounds like scalp lacerations,” he
        tised: “This kind of feeling comes all   The injuries make it difficult for  says.
        of a sudden. It is painful every time  him to write and affect his prepara-  Tear gas and pepper spray were
        I walk past Tai Po Market MTR sta-  tion for the Hong Kong Diploma of  frequently used in protests sites too.
        tion. I feel dizzy and I want to vomit.  Secondary Education Examination  “It is very likely to cause eye and
        Though I guess it’s much better now,  this year. He now decides not to sit  skin irritation,” says Dr. K. “Shot
        I still have nightmares.”           for the examination and considers  wounds by rubber bullets and bean


                          This kind of feeling comes all of a sudden.
                          It is painful every time I walk past Tai Po

                          Market MTR station. I feel dizzy and I want
                          to vomit. Though I guess it’s much better

                                     now, I still have nightmares.

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