Page 58 - 155 Varsity ebook
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56 / Lifestyle

              armen Cheung Ka-man, a  her directly by sending her invita-       the mood of excitement and sur-
              Year 4 university student of  tion messages via Instagram.        prise at the same time while biting
        CHong Kong Baptist Univer-             “Apart from money and free prod-  a Cheesy BBQ Meatball Sandwich. I
        sity,  has  started working  as  an  Ins-  ucts, I also receive free facial treat-  felt embarrassed though I success-
        tagram influencer since 2018. The  ments, free meals as well as chances  fully finished the task,” she says.
        communication major student has  to participate in cocktail events,”      Cheung also reveals that she usu-
        worked with more than 280 brands  Cheung says.                          ally waits for one to two months for
        in two years.                          Cheung says that even though  payment after posting an advertise-
           Cheung has taken part in a wide  the job nature of being an Instagram  ment. “Some companies even forgot
        variety of advertisements for various  influencer is simple and no profes-  to pay. Influencers had to remind
        products such as electronic gadgets,  sional knowledge is required, influ-  companies to settle payments,” she
        jewellery, cosmetics, hotpot restau-  encers may still face unexpected dif-  says.
        rants, paper-packed beverages and  ficulties.                             While some university students
        even shower gels.                      Cheung recalls an unforgetta-    are keen to join the online market-
           She found jobs from online media  ble experience. “Directions given  ing industry, some have quit the
        platforms such as Mingo, SpreadIt,  by brand companies on advertising  trade.
        Vfluencer, Touchbase and Castin-    posts are sometimes unclear. A com-   Ruby  Kao  Hoi-tung,  a  Year  2
        gAsia. Some companies approached  pany once required me to express  student of City University of Hong
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