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64 / People

        says.                               something bad. “I would like my  from pride parades, constitutional
                                            family to know my significant other  interpretation to referendum. It was
                First Encounter             and let them realize that gay couples  a landmark moment when same-
           Their first encounter was in Shih   can also engage in a stable relation-  sex marriage was legalized after the
        Chien  University  when  they  were   ship,” Lin says.                 Legislative Yuan passed the act. “Tai-
        grouped in a physical education les-   Yuan came out to his mother a  wan is a blessed country where hu-
        son. They chatted with each other   month before he proposed to Lin,  man rights are valued, which makes
        through video calls every day after   but in fact his mother knew every  me feel so proud,” Lin says. Taiwan
        school.                             thing from the beginning. At the  is the first nation in Asia to legalize
           Lin soon confessed his love to   night he came out, his mother could  same-sex marriage.
        Yuan. “I like you. Do you want to be   even  tell  the  name  of  Lin  or  how   A rainbow showed up in the sky
        with me?” Lin did not dare to see the   long they had been together.   after the Legislative Yuan members
        reply so he turned off his computer    When Yuan concealed his sexual  voted to approve same-sex marriage.
        but Yuan made his decision without   orientation, his mother faced every-  “Ever since I realized I was gay, I be-
        thinking much unexpectedly. “Sure!   thing alone. “Now I send these kind  lieved that it was almost impossible
        We can try it,” Yuan answered.      of videos about homosexual people  for me to marry my love,” Lin says.

        Lin and Yuan, the first gay couple who married in Asia. (Photo courtesy of Marc Yuan and Shane Lin)

           They cohabited in Lin’s place af-  and their family to let her realize   “When Yuan told me that the bill
        ter dating for about a year. Lin’s fam-  that this is natural, and that she is  same-sex legislative act was passed, I
        ily gradually grew fond of Yuan as  not  alone  in  the  situation,”  Yuan  couldn’t help but bursting into tear.
        they get used to his presence. “I hope  says.                           I almost cried my eyes out!”
        they can feel our love directly,” Lin   “Maybe it is because we gave our   The Legislative Yuan, the su-
        says. “It’s important to change their  family lots of time to observe and to  preme legislative organization of
        heart little by little in this way.”  accept us gradually. So family con-  Taiwan, is equivalent to a parlia-
                                            flict was avoided,” Lin says.       ment in other democratic states.
                  Coming Out                                                    Legislators are elected by the people
           Lin came out to his mother           LGBT Right in Taiwan            every four years to exercise legisla-
        when he was in high school, but his    Starting  from 1990s,  Taiwan  tive power.
        mother thought homosexuality was  LGBT  rights  movement  has  gone       The pair was one of the 20 cou-
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