Page 64 - 155 Varsity ebook
P. 64

62 / People

        planned to move to Los Angeles as
        a university student after seeing op-
        portunities available there.
           “If I want to be in this industry,
        rather than being in the UK, which,
        at the time, had maybe four or five
        channels, there’s much more work
        and opportunity being in Los Ange-
        les,” she says.
           Her directing career in Los Ange-
        les, however, was short-lived. Soon
        after releasing her short film, the ef-
        fects of the financial crisis reached
        her. As a new, inexperienced direc-
        tor, she found herself out of work.
           “My work disappeared, and it was
        awful  for  me.  I had  finally  figured
        out this role in the industry that I
        loved,” she recalls.

                 Looking Ahead              Joanna Bowers on set shooting a Cathay Pacific commercial. (Photo courtesy of
           While her first feature  film is a   Joanna Bowers)
        documentary, Bowers also hopes to
        direct narrative film in the future. At                                 increasing awareness of critical is-
        the same time, she aims to continue                                     sues through documentary film-
                                                                                  She is in the final stages of mak-
                                                                                ing a documentary called Refash-
                                                                                ioned, profiling three Hong Kong
                                                                                people aiming to promote sustain-
                                                                                able fashion in various ways. “The
                                                                                world’s changing. I watch people
                                                                                like Greta Thunberg, and they make
                                                                                you realize how much of an emer-
                                                                                gency we are facing,” she says.
                                                                                  “You  want  to  make  the world
                                                                                a  better  place  for  your  children  to
                                                                                grow  up  in,  and  I  feel  like  making
                                                                                films is my attempt at doing that.

        Joanna Bowers with her crew on location filming her current documentary, ReFash-  Edited by Lambert Siu
        ioned. (Photo courtesy of Joanna Bowers)                                      Sub-edited by Jasper Cao
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