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        Speak for the


        Documentary director Joanna Bowers talks about
        her film projects, her values, and her goals as a

        By Patricia Ricafort
                                                                                Joanna Bowers, now based in Hong
                                                                                Kong, has worked as a director since
                                                                                2009. (Photo courtesy of Joanna Bowers)

                   hile some local directors  Kong has allowed her to discover  It hadn’t occurred to me that it was
                   are stepping out of Hong  and explore unique stories that she  possible for a woman to be a director
        WKong,  Joanna  Bowers  would not have been able to access if  of a film at that level,” she says.
        moved  here  to  embark  on  her  ca-  she was living elsewhere.
        reer in film. In 2017, she produced                                            An Untold Story
        a documentary,  The Helper, which       First Time as a Director          “I strive to tell those stories that
        follows the lives and struggles of do-  Before that, the first directing op-  haven’t been told before to help the
        mestic helpers in Hong Kong.        portunity came to Joanna Bowers  person  that  has  been  overlooked
           In 2011, while Bowers was in Los  unexpectedly. In 2009, her friend  to get their perspective out in the
        Angeles, her friend, who was mov-   Maureen Ganz had written a short  world,” says Bowers. “The more di-
        ing to Hong Kong, convinced Bow-    film, Inviolate Rose, and he ap-    versity and different perspectives we
        ers to accompany her to help with  proached Bowers to direct it.        can understand, the better for us.”
        finding  an apartment.  While  she      “After my first day on set, work-  Bowers once co-wrote a romantic
        was in Hong Kong, she met the CEO  ing  on  this  short  film,  I  realised  I  comedy featuring an interracial rela-
        of a manufacturing company, who  love it! This is brilliant!” she says.  tionship between a Caucasian wom-
        gave her a directing opportunity       Inviolate Rose is based on a true  an and an Asian man. While she was
        that kept her here.                 story of Maureen Ganz and her two  able to get funding for the film, she
           Now, almost ten years after she  sisters, who travelled to Ireland to  had a hard time finding a distribu-
        first moved to Hong Kong, she sees  scatter their mother’s ashes after her  tion company because the lead in
        herself staying here. “I think there’s  death from cancer.              her story is an Asian male.
        a lot more opportunities in Hong       Prior to directing her first film,   “When my producers went to
        Kong. Hong Kong has a certain vi-   she never believed that a woman  the Cannes Film Festival to try and
        brancy and grittiness, and there are  could become a director.          get some pre-sales on the film, they
        many  unique  things  about Hong       “I remember, years ago, seeing  came back to me and said, ‘We’re
        Kong that are interesting and attrac-  Jane Campion’s film The Piano that  having a difficult time selling this
        tive,” she says.                    was nominated for the Oscar, and I  film because it’s got an Asian male
           She believes that living in Hong  remember being really taken aback.  romantic lead. Nobody seems to
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