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      want to buy that. How about this:
      what if, he’s not Asian, he’s Cauca-
      sian but grew up in Hong Kong?’”
        Bowers refused. “That defeats the
      entire purpose of what the whole                   “
      story’s about!” she says.            As I’ve progressed
        While  that  film  was  never  ex-  as a director, I’ve
      ecuted, she was able to produce her
      feature documentary, The Helper,     become more and
      and released it in 2017. The docu-   more conscious of
      mentary follows the lives and strug-
      gles of domestic helpers in Hong      how underrepre-
        Bowers made it after realizing   sented women’s sto-
      that nobody had made a film explor-  ries are within the
      ing their lives. “I became fascinated
      by how important they were yet                 media
      how unseen and unknown their sto-
      ries were. I wanted to put them on a
      platform  where they  would be  ap-                ”                   Joanna Bowers on location shooting the
      preciated and be seen,” she says.                                      documentary, The Helper.  (Photo cour-
        The  Helper  fits  in  well  with                                    tesy of Joanna Bowers)
      Bowers’ interest in telling women’s
      stories. “As I’ve progressed as a di-
      rector, I’ve become more and more
      conscious of how underrepresented
      women’s stories are within the me-
      dia,” she adds.

           Life before Directing
        Growing up in Kent, U.K., Bowers
      did not even think she would work
      in the creative industries. She ini-
      tially selected her GCE A-level sub-
      jects on the premise that she was go-
      ing to study medicine in university.
      “I thought I was going to be a heart
      surgeon!” she says.
        Yet she quickly realised that the
      sciences were not suitable for her, so
      she decided to pursue a more crea-
      tive career.
        Bowers studied broadcast jour-
      nalism at university. While she en-
      joyed learning about writing and
      video production, she realised that
      hard news was too dark and depress-  Joanna Bowers  (middle), Nurul  (right) and her daughter, Leila  (left), as featured in
      ing for her.                               the documentary, The Helper.  (Photo courtesy of Joanna Bowers)
        Instead, she set her sights on
      the entertainment industry. She
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