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     Sing It Out of Love

      The first same-sex couple
      married in Taiwan, Marc
      Yuan and Shane Lin, talked

      about their romance, fam-
      ily lives, and also how LGBT
      community fought for their
      rights there

      By  Tommy Huang in Taipei

             e, Marc Yuan, proposed to                                       matter?’” Lin recalls. He found that
             him, Shane Lin, on January        Darkness Before Dawn          people would respect him more
     H6, 2018 at Tanya Chua ’s con-         But before this happy ending, the  when he answered the question this
      cert in Taiwan. The singer passed her  two princes underwent a lot of tough  way. If he attempted to shy away,
      microphone to Yuan from the stage  times in their childhood. “Feminine  others would tease him.
      after  singing  a  song  titled  “Sing  It  boys tend to be targets of bullying,   Yuan was attacked by his class-
      Out of Love”.                      whether you are gay or not,” Lin  mates violently as he had more fe-
        “Will you marry me?” Yuan  says. “My childhood memory was as  male friends than other boys. “Once
      asked, with his hands trembling.  bad as it can be.”                   I went to play billiards with some fe-
      His words were responded by his be-   Lin was teased as a “cream puff”,  male classmates, some boys dragged
      loved man, Lin, with the exact three  a nickname for feminine  boys, for  me to an alley and assaulted me with
      words he wanted to hear most at  his femininity and was bullied at  helmets  and  baseball  bats,”  Yuan
      that moment: “Yes, I will.” Audience  schools. He was once dragged out of
      lit up the stadium with their cell-  a toilet cubicle by bullies. “If I talked
      phone flashlights, which looked like  back, they would become more vio-                “
      sparkling stars in the sky, wishing  lent,” Lin says. “At that time, I chose   Whenever I was
      the couple a lifetime of happiness.  not to go to a restroom if there were
        Fashion store owner, Yuan, 30  many students there.”                  asked if I am gay, I
      and fondant cake artist, Lin, 31, tied   Having suffered from years of   replied, ‘Yes, I am.
      their knots officially on May 24,  bullying, Lin concealed his sexual
      2019, marking a significant day in  orientation to avoid being attacked.  What’s the matter?’
      Taiwan gay right history. The cou-  He decided not to keep it as a shame-
      ple is the first pair who registered  ful secret when studying at a high-
      their  marriage  after the  legislation  school.                                       ”
      of same-sex marriage was passed on    “Whenever I was asked if I am
      May 17, 2019.                      gay, I replied, ‘Yes, I am. What’s the
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