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      updated information of movement.   keting  are selling  trendy  products    More about Instagram
      Therefore, she shifted the focus of   related to fashion, travel, fitness and     marketing
      her Instagram posts  to news  about   beauty. Since the young generation   Instagram, with one billion
      the movement.                      is the potential customers of these   monthly active users according
        Under the influence of the social   products,  com-            pa-     to eMarketer’s statistics in 2018,
      unrest, media companies have also   nies  would  like                   is the second most engaged social
      been observing a drop in the num-  to hire teenag-                     networking site. More than 70% of
      ber of Instagram influencers.      ers to be their                     the billion monthly active users are
        Director of Zolar, Doris Kuok,   influencers,”                        under the age of 35, according to
      who has been working in online     she says.                           the data from Statista in 2019. Thus,
      marketing for 15 years, says the      She   thinks                      more and more companies target-
      number of teenagers joining the on-  that free products,                ing  teenage market develop their
      line marketing industry has dropped   the  sense of  satis-  Dr. Wu Shih-  advertising channels on Instagram.
      due to the social movement.        faction in influenc-                    How to be an IG influencer:
        Kuok thinks that influencer mar-  ing other people and honorarium    1)  Download apps such as SpreadIt
      keting ties closely with the social sit-  are  the  reasons  that  attract  univer-  and Mingle, which are agencies
      uation.  “Instagram  users  follow  an   sity students to join online adver-  connecting influencers and brands.
      influencer only when the influencer   tising market. “Some students may   Details of various products and
      has in-depth and constant sharing   even become a full-time influencer   corresponding remunerations are
      on a specific theme, such as food and   after graduation,” she says.    listed. Users  can browse and filter
                                            “The purpose of using influencers        items by interest.
                     “                   for promotion is not to turn a non-  2) Click “APPLY NOW”, they can
      Creating posts that re-            famous product to a famous one,”  collaborate directly with brands and
                                                                              create posts according to brands’
                                         she adds, “Instead, it aims at reach-
      late to a wide range of            ing the target audience through the           requirements.
       topics causes the loss            influencers’ close social networks.”   3) After submitting sample posts to
                                                                              brands and getting approval, they
       of style and character            She adds that the strategy of influ-  can share their posts on Instagram
                                         encer advertising is not a matter of
       in influencers’ Insta-            coverage but the closeness.                   and Facebook.
            gram account
                                                                                          Edited by Ariel Lai
                                                                               Sub-edited by Tiffany Chong

      cosmetics. If an influencer shares di-
      versified topics, for instance, politi-
      cal affairs, information about masks
      and sterilizers, as well as commercial
      advertisements, followers may lose
      interests as they find some content
      not suiting  their tastes.  They  may
      unfollow the influencer,” she says.
        Dr. Wu Shih-chia, a professional
      consultant of the School of Journal-
      ism and Communication of the Chi-
      nese University of Hong Kong, says
      both promoters and target audience
      of online advertisements are mainly
      teenagers.                         Cheung takes picture at an Instagram-famous cafe in Central. (Photo courtesy of
        “Brands that adopt influencer mar-  Carmen Cheung Ka-man)
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