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         His love for Hong Kong
         which he describes as

        Coming to the end of his
      three-year term in Hong Kong,
      the diplomat, who has been de-
      ployed to Paris and visited over 60
      countries, describes the city as his

        “In Hong Kong, I feel at home.
      Hong Kong and Vietnam are
      natural partners,” Pham says, not-
      ing that three Kowloon streets are
      named after cities in Vietnam.

        Back in the 19th century, Vi-     Hanoi Road - a road in Tsim Sha Tsui that was named after the capital city of Vietnam.
      etnam was an important trading
      partner with Hong Kong in the
      Indochina. Renaming East Road      diplomat says.
      to Hanoi Road, Elgin Road to
      Haiphong Road and Third Street        “Hong Kong gives me the feel-
      to Saigon Street in 1909 was how   ing of being at home both domes-
      Hong Kong showed its respect for   tically and internationally. Being
      the close trade relations, according   in Hong Kong not only makes me
      to Hong Kong CityLife.             feel like I am in Vietnam, but also
                                         other parts of the world,” he adds.
        “Many Hong Kong people love
      Vietnam. Many enjoy the diverse       The special connection the
      cuisine and the natural beauty of   Consul General has with Hong
      Vietnam,” the diplomat says.       Kong is one of the reasons why
                                         he encourages more Vietnamese
        Pham can find a piece of all     students to study at this strong
      those places he had been to in     financial center.
      Hong Kong. “Hong Kong is a
      unique place that has a mixture of       Sub-edited by Chloe Tam
      all kinds of buildings and people
      with connections to Vietnam,” the

           “ I believe that Vietnamese graduates will seek

           job opportunities in Hong Kong, and that Hong
             Kong employers will seize the opportunity to

        recruit talents. Hong Kong demands large human
                  resources and Vietnam has the supply ”
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