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      cultural environments, and immi- in that country,” the educator says.     Lê says one way to reduce the
      grate.                                “Around  10  to15  per  cent of  cost is to apply for scholarship.
                                         students I talked to want to study
        The former director of admis- abroad  because  of  peer  pressure.      “There is no shortcut, no pre-
      sions at Vin University in Vietnam  Friends around them study abroad  defined path, and no universal for-
      conducted surveys on over 5,000  so they also want to do it or else  mula for students in applying to
      Vietnamese families and  found  they feel they are not doing better  scholarship”, he adds.
      that they wanted to seek  high-    than others. But half of them can-
      quality education that was not eas- not afford to do so,” Lê says.        * Name changed at interviewee’s
      ily found in Vietnam.                                                  request.
                                            He  points out average income
        “About 60 per cent of the fami- in Vietnam is low compared to de-
      lies polled who send their children  veloped countries and the cost of
      abroad want them to settle down  studying overseas is expensive.               Sub-edited by Nutcha
        “There is no shortcut, no predefined path,
         and no universal formula for students in
                   applying for scholarships,”
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