Page 34 - 170 Varsity ebook
P. 34

32/Our Community
        32 / Our Community
        32/Our Community

                                                                       ding the limitation on media dis
            orean National Law Inf
                                                                                                      f investigative
                                                                  4 regar
                                                                                               closure o
                                            vides detailed law on Ar
        The K
        The Korean National Law Information Center provides detailed law on Article 84 regarding the limitation on media disclosure of investigative
                             ormation Center pro
                                                              ticle 8
                                                                  f infringement on por
                              cases, and Article 85 concerning the prohibition of infringement on portrait rights.
                              cases, and Ar
                                        ticle 85 c
                                                                                   ait rights.
                                              oncerning the prohibition o
        the method of crime and the cir- as “unfortunate”.                     police to maintain a relationship
        cumstances of the arrest should        “The Hong Kong Police Force  with the media that is based on
        not be disclosed,”                  releases information through of- mutual respect and understand-
                                            ficial channels and journalists can  ing,” the statement reads.
           According to Article 85 (Pro- call the public relations wing for
        hibition of infringement on por- information about cases for re-          “However, when disseminating
        trait rights), “Police officers must  porting,” Chan says.             timely information to the media,
        ensure that no scenes are filmed                                       police are obliged to follow the
        within the police station where        He also adds that the police do  legal requirements under the Per-
        the identity of suspects, victims,  not reveal the full name and iden- sonal  Data  (Privacy)  Ordinance
        or other persons involved in the  tity of people under investigation  and ensure that all the important
        case may be assumed or where the  in Hong Kong.                        principles governing the disclosure
        identity may be exposed,” it reads.                                    of third-party information under
                                               Regarding details  of  proto- the Code on Access to Informa-
           There were 4,313 articles about  col and protection of individuals  tion have been complied with.
        Lee’s drug charges from October  when conducting an investigation,  Furthermore, any information dis-
        19, 2023, to January 3, 2024, ac- the Hong Kong Police Force states  seminated should not affect covert
        cording to data from Korea Press  they respect press freedom and are  operations and possible judicial
        Foundation’s Big Kinds, a news  obliged to follow the requirements  procedures,” it adds.
        big data and analysis organization.  under the Personal Data (Privacy)
        They  also  found  2,855  news  sto- Ordinance when responding to an
                                                                                                      Edited by
        ries  revealing  Lee’s  identity  from  inquiry by Varsity. “The Force has                    Edited by
                                                                                      Nutcha Hunsanimitkul &
        20 October to 26 December, 2023.  the responsibility to provide timely        Nutcha Hunsanimitkul &
                                                                                                  Charlotte W
        Chairman of The Hong Kong Jour- information to the media and the                          Charlotte Wu
                                                                                        Sub-edited by Lilac
        nalists  Association Ronson  Chan  public for preventing and detect-            Sub-edited by Lilac Ye
        Long-sing describes the  incident  ing crime. It is to the benefit of the
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