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                                                                             in Vietnam, 494,488 of them con-
                                                                             tinued their studies in Vietnam
                                                                             and about 40,000 of them studied
                                                                             abroad, according to the Ministry
                                                                             of Education and Training (MOE)
                                                                             of Vietnam.

                                                                                The number of Vietnamese stu-
                                                                             dents studying in the U.S. jumped
                                                                             from 18,722 in academic year
                                                                             2014/2015, to 24,392 students in
                                                                             2018/2019, figures from the In-
                                                                             stitute  of International Education
                                                                             (IIE) show.

                                                                                Hồ Trung Thành, a student at
                                                                             the University of Wollongong in
                                                                             Australia, also resorted to an agen-
                                                                             cy’s service when applying to three
                                                                             universities in the country.
                                            ounted f
                                                  or o
               ollege, where Vietnamese students acc
          sburg C
      Gettysburg College, where Vietnamese students accounted for over a quarter of internation- -
                                                                f internation
                                                     ver a quar
                                                             ter o
                  al undergraduates in Fall 2023, according to the university.
                  al undergr aduates in F all 2023, acc or ding to the univer sit y .   “I spent 25 million Vietnamese
                          (Photo courtesy of Nguyễn Hương Trà )
                          (Photo c our tes y o f Nguy n H  ng Tr à )
                                                                             dong (US $1,007) on the agency’s
                                                                             service. I wrote an application,
      agency  worked  with  her  for  one  the U.S. because tuition fees for   they reviewed it and filed it to uni-
      and a half year, starting when she  international students and liv-    versities on my behalf,” he says.
      was in grade 10 until she received  ing expenses are very expensive.
      admission and scholarship results  It costs about HK $625,500 (US         “My family is willing to spend
      in December 2022.                  $80,000) a year at Gettysburg,”the   that amount for me  to study be-
                                         18-year-old student says.           cause they want me to work in
        Consultants from the agency                                          Australia after graduation and
      looked through her profile and        She adds that her family’s       earn permanent residency (P.R.),”
      advised  her on how to polish her  monthly household income is 40      Hồ says.
      profile such as taking Scholastic  million Vietnamese dong (US
      Assessment Test (SAT) and Inter- $1,611).                                 “Having P.R. helps me find jobs
      national English Language Testing                                      easier because the company does
      System (IELTS) test, joining extra-   Nguyễn admits she was clueless   not need to sponsor my work visa
      curricular activities focusing on  about what to do to secure a schol-  which costs a lot of money and re-
      leadership, and joining competi- arship  and  could  not  handle  all   quires paperwork,”he adds.
      tions about solving business prob- the complicated application docu-
      lems.                              ments without outside help.            Hồ wants to work in Australia
                                                                             because  he  dislikes  the  working
        “They guaranteed that I can         “The agency’s service fee is high   environment in Vietnam.
      get into the top 50 U.S. liberal  but it is worth it when comparing
      arts colleges by following their  with the amount of scholarship I        “Most companies there have a
      plan,”Nguyễn says.                 got”, she says.                     culture of working overtime and
                                                                             on weekends.   Salary is much low-
        “Without the scholarship, my        In 2023, there were more than    er compared to Australia, where
      family cannot afford my study in   one million high school graduates
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