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             senior police officer was ar- Parasite, the South Korean actor
             rested for allegedly leaking  earned several awards including      Speaking to the press on De-
     A vestigative  information  the Screen Actors Guild Award               cember 28th, 2023, Kim Hee-
      about actor Lee Sun-kyun who was  for Outstanding Performance by       joong, commissioner of the
      suspected of drug use and commit- a Cast in a Motion Picture in 2019   Incheon Police Agency said: “No
      ted suicide in December 2023.      and the Asian Pop-Up Cinema         official permit for press coverage
                                         Award for Excellent Achievement     of Lee’s appearances was issued,
        The arrest by Gyeonggi South- in Film in 2023.                       but information such as the spe-
      ern Police Agency’s Anti-Corrup-                                       cific dates of Lee’s questioning had
      tion and Economic Crime Inves-        On December 27, 2023, Lee        ‘somehow’ been leaked,”
      tigation Unit on March 21st, 2024,  was found dead in a vehicle in a
      came after a two-month investiga- parking lot near Waryong Park in        “Whether individual investiga-
      tion into how the Incheon Police  Seoul. The death was marked as a     tors interacted with the media or
      Agency handled the actor’s privacy. suicide by the Seoul Seongbuk Po-  answered  questions from report-
                                         lice Station.                       ers regarding investigative matters
        The police officer, who is sus-                                      needs to be clarified,”  said Bong
      pected of leaking a report about      Lee’s defense lawyer Park        Joon-ho, director of Parasite, dur-
      Lee’s suspected drug use case to  Seong-cheol was quoted request-      ing a press conference hosted by
      the press, is not a member of the  ing a private summoning and cit-    the Cultural and Artistic Profes-
      investigation team.                ing from a statement by a spokes-   sionals Conference (CAPC) on
                                         man at the Incheon Police Agency    January 12th, 2024.
        The press was alerted when Lee  “If Lee Sun-kyun is summoned
      was summoned for three investiga- privately and videos or photos are      The articles listed under Sec-
      tions by the Incheon Police Agency  taken (as if he was hiding), it will   tion 4: Media Promotion, Chapter
      from October to December 2023.     be more damaging to the suspect,”   4: Investigation of “Police Officer
        Renowned for his role in the  as  reported by  YTN,  a  Korean       Job Regulations to Protect Human
      Academy Award-winning film  news outlet, on January 17th, 2024.        Rights” clearly state the law.

                                                                                According to Article 84 (Limi-
                                                                             tations on media disclosure of in-
                                                                             vestigative cases), “Matters related
                                                                             to honor and privacy, identity, that
                                                                             are not directly related to crime.
                                                                             Detailed information regarding

                                                                               “No official permit
                                                                               for press coverage
                                                                             of Lee’s appearances
                                                                               was issued, but in-
                                                                               formation such as
                                                                                the specific dates
                                                                              of Lee’s questioning
                                                                              had ‘somehow’ been
             Fans took to an Instagram fan page of Lee Sun-kyun to mourn his death.
             F ans took to an Instagr am fan page o f Lee Sun-k yun to mourn his death.
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