Page 35 - 170 Varsity ebook
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     Consulate General of

     Vietnam: More Vietnamese

     will come to Hong Kong for

     university studies

      Universities in Hong Kong are offering more scholarships for Vietnamese
      By Ken Nguyen and Cindy Lee

                iplomat Pham Binh  scholarships to undergraduate             has just announced that schol-
                Dam has secured 197  Vietnamese students in 2022. The        arships would be offered 20 for
        Dscholarships from top  number then jumped to 45 in                  undergraduates, and six for post-
      universities in Hong Kong for Vi- 2023 and has increased to 96 in      graduates for admission to the
      etnamese talents.                  2024.                               school year of 2024 - 2025.

        The Chinese University of           The University of Hong Kong         “As HKU and CUHK offer
      Hong Kong (CUHK) offered 30        (HKU) joined later this year and    scholarships for Vietnamese stu-
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40