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42/Our Community

        features flowers and landscapes or
        follows specific patterns, he wants
        to do new inventions with Su em-

           ‘I am a big fan of ancient Chi-
        nese poetry and paintings, and I
        find inspiration from them. I also
        develop ideas from daily life ele-
        ments like cloud shapes and TV
        programmes,’ Zhang says.

           Inspired by a TV programme
        about  astronomy,  Zhang  created
        an artwork titled ‘Starry Sky’ in
        2016. He applied over 20 tradi-
        tional needlework techniques that
        were on the verge of being lost to
        this modern artwork. The work is
        now being exhibited at the World-
        Skills Museum in Shanghai, the
        first  museum  showcasing profes-
        sional skills worldwide.

           Zhang, who used to be a teacher
        at Suzhou Art & Design Technol-
        ogy Institute, has also become an
        inspiration for others.

           ‘I have a male student in my
        class, and he told his parents about   Xu Wen-ying is teaching her young students. (Photo courtesy of Xu Wenying Embroidery
                                                                    oung students. (Photo c
                                              Xu Wen-ying is teaching her y
                                                                                            f Xu Wenying Embroider
                                                                                          y o
        my embroidery. I was truly shocked                                 Studio )
                                                                           Studio )
        when he successfully convinced
        his parents to let him choose Su                                        dery courses for people to experi-
        embroidery,’ he says.                  ‘I used to think that young  ence and learn the skill. Most are
                                            women nowadays are unwilling  university students in their 20s and
           He also observes an increas-     to learn Su embroidery and prefer  30s.
        ing interest in embroidery among    working. I am surprised that many
        young people.                       young  people  still  want  to  create   The youngest student is a
                                            their own textile product,’ Xu says.  12-year-old girl, Dai Ruiwen, who
           ‘I think it’s good because more                                      takes a four-hour high speed train
        young people are keeping this cul-     Xu is now running Su embroi- ride from Tianjin to learn embroi-
        tural heritage alive, so it won’t dis-
        appear,’ the master says.

           With  over  40  years  of  experi-  ‘It is a wonderful thing to see so many young
        ence in Su embroidery, Xu Weny-
        ing, an arts and crafts master from        people becoming more interested in
        Suzhou, also finds more young                                embroidery,’
        people learning embroidery at her
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