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        ‘I have always loved making my
      own handicrafts. I came across so-
      cial media posts about Su embroi-
      dery when surfing online. I want to
      learn it,’ Dai says.

        She had a great sense of achieve-
      ment after spending eight hours
      making  the  basic  patterns  of  Su
      embroidery with the help of her

        ‘I will continue learning Su em-
      broidery in the future because I
      think it is a meaningful thing to
      do, and I hope I can help promote
      this culture in the future,’ she says.

                                                                            y o
                                                                              f Xu Wenying Embroider
                                                                                                y Studio )
                                                Xu’s son, Pu Hongtao. (Photo c
        Xu’s son, Pu Hongtao is running         Xu’s son, Pu Hongtao. (Photo courtesy of Xu Wenying Embroidery Studio )
      a social media account to promote
      his mother’s embroidery business.
                                         so many young people becoming
        ‘I am surprised that even pri-   more  interested  in embroidery.
      mary school pupils are willing to   Their  dedication is impressive
      travel from other cities to Suzhou   because not many young people
      to learn Su embroidery,’ Pu says   nowadays are willing or able to
                                         engage in such time-consuming
        Many young people born in        handicrafts patiently,’ Pu adds.
      the 1990s and 2000s from various
      parts of China have contacted Pu
      through his Chinese social me-
                                                     Edited by Sean Pan
      dia account on Xiaohongshu (Lit-               Edited by Sean Pan
                                              Sub-edited by Sunnie Wu
      tle Red Book) to come to Suzhou         Sub-edited by Sunnie W     u
      and learn Su embroidery from his

        ‘It is a wonderful thing to see
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