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        44 / Our Community
        44 / Our Community

        Cultural Heritage Sites

        Under Attack in Ukraine

        Ukranian Artisis staying in Hong Kong use their arts to advocate for peace at

        by Charley Ho, Daniel Paek and Roy Ng
            f Russia stops fighting, there  quently  annexing  the Crimean  launched by Russia.
            will be no war. If Ukraine  Peninsula, a sovereign territory of        “Russia has been targeting our
        Istops fighting, there will be  Ukraine.                                cultural sites and trying to kill our
        no Ukraine,” Natalia Gschöpf, a         “In October 2014, one of my  heritage,” she says.
        Ukrainian artist, who has been  very close friends lost his life in the
        living for six years in Hong Kong  battle. Since then, there have been    About 342 cultural sites in
        says.                               so many names,” Gschöpf says.       Ukraine have been destroyed in-
                                                                                cluding 127 religious sites, 150
           Her comments come as the Eu-        The  Ukrainian  artist  shares  buildings of historical and artistic
        ropean Union hosted a seminar to  that many cultural sites have been  interest, 31 museums, 19 monu-
        express support for and solidarity  the main targets in recent attacks  ments, 14 libraries, and 1 archive,
        with the people of Ukraine, mark-
        ing the second anniversary of Rus-        “ If Russia stops fighting,
        sia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine
        in 2022.                            there will be no war. If Ukraine
                                             stops fighting, there will be no
           Since 2014, Russia has initiated
        conflicts by invading and subse-                            Ukraine.”
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