Page 47 - 170 Varsity ebook
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                                                                                Gschöpf has hosted workshops
                                                                             in London, Berlin, and now regu-
                                                                             larly in Hong Kong to promote
                                                                             traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs –
                                                                             Pysanky to keep Ukrainian culture

                                                                                “The Ukrainian Easter egg
                                                                             workshop is like a meditation.
                                                                             Surrounded by many candles and
                                                                             mesmerized by patterns, we en-
                                                                             gage and connect with each other
                                                                             during the sessions,” Gschöpf says.

                                                                                “We can connect with people
                                                                             from all walks of life through these
                        Natalia Gschöpf holds an art workshop.
                                                                             workshops and let more people
                                                                             know about Ukraine… I hope that
      according to the UNESCO official  ist says.
      report published in February 2024.                                     Russia will show less aggression to-
                                            “Despite the  destruction  of    wards cultural heritage,” she adds.
        “Any of these destruction of  physical cultural sites, I believe
      culture and artifacts  hurts.  It is  that Ukrainian cultures will con-   Another Ukrainian artist, Naz-
      disheartening to witness all the  tinue to survive through Ukrain-     ar Tabachyshyn, who is also living
      physical cultures being set on fire  ian artists’ efforts to promote them   in Hong Kong shares Gschöpf’s
      by missiles,” the craftsmanship art- worldwide,” she adds.             thoughts on keeping the world

                               Ukrainian Easter eggs made in a workshop held by Gschöpf.
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