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                                                                   Kabaddi is in the blood

                                                                          of everybody

                                                        A team discussing their
                                                        strategy during a break

                abaddi is in the blood of  it remains unknown to many people  the raiding team runs across the mid-
                everybody,” says Jazz, for-  in Hong Kong.                   line to the defending side of the court
     “Kmer professional Kabaddi             Kabaddi has been an official event  and tag as many opponents as possible
      player from Punjab in India. He sim-  in  the  Asian  Games  since  1990.  The  to score.
      ply cannot hide his love for the com-  World Cup Kabaddi 2019 will be held   The raider must keep yelling
      petitive contact sports. He loves it so  in Melaka in Malaysia from July 27 to  “Kabaddi” from the moment he cross-
      much that he is trying to form a pro-  August 4 this year. A total of 32 men’s  es the mid-line until he returns to his
      fessional team in Hong Kong.       teams and 24 women’s teams, includ-  own team’s side. If the raider fails to
                                         ing representatives from Hong Kong,  do it in one breath, his team scores
              What is Kabaddi?           will participate in the tournament.   no points. The more defending team
        Jazz says the rules of Kabaddi are   To play Kabaddi, all you need is a  members the raider tags, the more
      so simple that a five-year-old child can  flat and rectangular area. Similar to a  points he scores. But if the defend-
      easily learn how to play. Originated  badminton court, a Kabaddi court is  ing team can prevent the raider from
      from ancient India and South Asian  surrounded by boundary lines, with  returning to their original side, the
      countries, such as                 a middle line to indicate the area two  raider also scores no point.
      Nepal, Pakistan                    teams occupy.                          Players are sent off when they are
      and   Bangla-                         The match is divided into two  tagged, captured, or break a rule, and
      desh, Kabaddi                      halves and each session lasts for 20  can be “revived” by eliminating an op-
      is an easy-                        minutes. Each team can send seven  posing player. The team with the most
      to-learn  and                      players onto the field and the two  points at the end of the game wins.
      crowd-pleasing                     teams alternate between raiding and    “The difference of Kabaddi [with
      contact sport, but                 defending. To attack, one player from  other sports] is its high flexibility,”

                           Dimension of a Kabaddi court
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