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      good because it saves a lot of trans-  initiatives to interact with their pro-  closures, to slowdown the spread of
      port time and costs. I used to spend  fessors.                         the outbreak.
      around HK$ 30 a day, which is HK$     “Students have to accept that we    WHO advises “all countries to
      600 a month,” she says.            do not have any choice for now,”  continue  efforts  that  have  been  ef-
        Another CUHK student Mar-        Fan says. “Don’t hide behind your  fective in limiting the number of
      cus, who declines to reveal his full  computer. Ask your professors ques-  cases and slowing the spread of the
      name, shares Leung’s view. Mar-    tions,” she encourages.             virus.”
      cus lives in Kwun Tong and his        Ho, lecturer of the Department of   The United Nations Educational
      journey to CUHK takes him about  Information Engineering at CUHK,  Scientific and Cultural Organisa-
      40 minutes  to an hour. “I used  to  also believes communication be-   tion (UNESCO) says the COVID-19
      get up more than an hour before my  tween teachers and students is cru-  outbreak has deprived education of
      classes. But with online classes, I can  cial, especially for online classes.  nearly  300 million students  world-
      just get up and turn on my laptop,”   “The students should be aware  wide. Audrey Azoulay, Director-
      he says. “I think I am more proactive  that they are not only given a set of  General of UNESCO notes “ (if) the
      (in online classes), because it’s not  online notes and online videos for  global scale and speed of the current
      (a) face-to-face (interaction). I feel  learning,  but  also individual  assis-  educational disruption is unparal-
      less shy in class discussions.”    tance and extra learning resources in  leled and, if prolonged, (it) could
                                         the same way as in the conventional  threaten the right to education.”
          Advice From Teachers           classroom teaching,” Ho says.
        “I am still learning how to use the
      platform to overcome challenges         The Unknown Future
      that limit the interactions with stu-  As of April 7, 2020, 1,347,235 of
      dents,” says Professor Fan Tingting,  the world population is confirmed
      assistant  professor  in the  Depart-  with COVID-19 and reported 46,150
      ment of Marketing at CUHK Busi-    deaths according to WHO. Countries           Edited by Soohyun Kim
      ness School. Fan advises students to  across the world went into nation-      Sub-edited by Cynthia Sit
      be more proactive and make more  wide lockdown, including school

       An empty classroom at Humanities Building, CUHK
       (Photo courtesy of  Marcus)
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