Page 22 - 155 Varsity ebook
P. 22

20 / Periscope

        Many were injured after a conflict on November 3 resulting from political differences. (Photo courtesy of Edmond So SCMP)

               s Hong Kong has experi-      jectile during a rally in Admiralty on  for photos and videos near the inter-
               enced prolonged protests re-  June 12 last year. Protesters gathered  section of Harcourt Road and Cotton
        Alated to the anti-Extradition  outside Legislative Council building  Tree Drive outside the People Libera-
         Law  Amendment  Bill  (anti-ELAB)  in a bid to stop the second reading of  tion Army’s Hong Kong headquar-
         movement since June 2019, violent  the extradition bill.               ters during the protest.
         confrontations between police offic-  “My right eye only has 2.5 per     Shot at the scene, Yeung felt
         ers and protesters have made news  cent of the normal vision. I under-  shocked and overwhelmed. “I could
         headlines all over the world. Many  went an operation and a painful yet  not believe the police would fire sud-
         shed blood and tears during the so-  ineffective face-down recovery last  denly as I was not doing anything
         cial movement, and some are suffer-  year as the macular hole is bigger  offensive,” he recalls. “A protester
         ing from serious physical injuries  than natural cases of degeneration,”  nearby carried me away (after I was
         which affect them for the rest of  says Yeung.                         shot). I was interviewed by a citizen
         their lives.                          Yeung is looking for evidence in  while a first aider was treating me.
           Raymond Yeung Tsz-chun, a  order to launch a legal action against  The aforementioned protester and
         liberal studies teacher at Diocesan  the Hong Kong Police Force. He has  I then hitched  a ride to a hospital,
         Girls’ School, had his right eye and  made an appeal in his Facebook ac-  where I was eventually located and
         chest shot by an alleged police pro-  count on January 2 and 18, asking  arrested for rioting.”
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